
Welcome to The Muslim Vibe!

In the name of God, the Creator of the Universe and the countless bounties that lie within it, whose mercy all life is dependant on and to The One to whom we shall return.

It gives us great pleasure to announce the launch of The Muslim Vibe, a vast digital media network with the aim to promote ethical, positive, engaging, relevant and thought-provoking Islamic digital media content; which will be creative and harness the power of the internet to make an impact.

Muslims living in the West currently face a plethora of challenges whilst trying to practice their faith whilst existing in a society ever more hostile and intolerant of their faith. Western Muslims generally only get a chance connect with their faith (in terms of learning) whilst attending a Mosque or Muslim events, or on television as has more recently prevailed. However media as a whole is shifting away from TV, and going digital – the internet.

Our lives are becoming increasingly dependant on technology to allow us to connect, to learn, stay informed and to function in our modern society as we know it. For us, going digital is a ‘no-brainer’ and through creating a large network (one we firmly believe we can reach) it will enable the Muslim community, and along with it; charities, organisations and campaigns to bring about positive change in the Western Muslim world and beyond.

Empower and enable everyone

The Muslim Vibe endeavours to act as a platform for such change, with the aim to empower and enable everyone to connect and engage with various ideas and initiatives. The Muslim Vibe will actively seek to help such projects by essentially acting as a mouthpiece, and we invite organisations to exploit this opportunity. It should not be the case that good people with good ideas feel helpless because they feel no one is listening or cares. One of our core beliefs is that if such ideas are given the right platform and given the resources they need, people will listen and things will change.

The Muslim Vibe aims to create thought-provoking and inspiring content for a wide but segmented audience, based on age, lifestyle, faith, understanding and spirituality. ‘Something for everyone’ is one of our key driving factors, and within that lies the different type of content we are committed to produce – from articles and blogs, to short videos and mini-documentaries. And no, we aren’t looking to bore you with stuff you already know and things you’ve already seen, we are keen on creating something new, ‘a new vibe’.

Let’s make the world a better place!

We aim to create content to increase awareness of social issues with honest discussions and offering realistic and feasible advice to a wide range of issues which affect our social well being. Within this we will tackle taboo subjects, challenge unethical norms whilst focusing our attention on creating practical solutions to the ills within our society. We believe that as humans foremost and as Muslims secondary, we all have an active responsibility in our society and that together, we should be aiming towards making the world a better place for everyone.

helping othersWe also want to inspire change within people, encouraging and motivating people to be the best they can be by provoking thoughts and ideas and following through with actionable solutions to how we can all reach our greatest potential as human beings.

The Muslim Vibe will tackle political issues with the ambition to empower Western Muslims who are increasingly under attack by mainstream media for their faith, often being forced to apologise for crimes they have not committed. Furthermore, we are committed to highlighting issues neglected by the mainstream media which affect Muslims, analysing global current affairs from a Muslim perspective and stand apart from extremist ideologies which tarnish the reputation of Islam and its followers.

The path of moderation

Another cornerstone objective for The Muslim Vibe, is to fight for the middle ground between ultra-conservatism and ultra-liberalism, and to exemplify and encourage the path of moderation, as stated by Ali ibn Abu Talib (a):

“Left and right are deviations and the path of felicity is the middle way.”‌

Rather than using fear and negative encouragement, The Muslim Vibe plan to use positive encouragement and build on the innate yearning for goodness that exists within mankind.

Some may say our goals and aspirations are ‘over-ambitious’ or too broad – to which we reply, it doesn’t mean we do not try. As far as we see it, we have this brief moment to attempt to do something which can benefit everyone, so why not give it a go?

Help us, help everyone

The Muslim Vibe team bring over 9 years of experience in the digital media, design and marketing industry – within the Muslim community and beyond and have worked on over 400 projects in the past decade. It is this skill and experience that has been developed which will be channelled into The Muslim Vibe.

But we would like to point out, that we are looking for people really get behind this project; to help us create refreshing and exciting content, along the way facilitating countless initiatives and individual projects. We think this could be a great resource for the Muslim community and Western society at large. We firmly believe, our success is everyone’s success.

So, what’s next?

Our plan from now is take things step by step, and in coming weeks and months we will be publishing original and engaging content that we have already worked on, which we hope you will all enjoy and find beneficial, we want our readers and followers to always look forward to more from The Muslim Vibe.

Please check out the website, read more about The Muslim Vibe here and be sure to follow us on all social media platforms.

Lastly, we ask everyone to share The Muslim Vibe website as much as they can to help us get started and get the word out (sharing is sunnah!). There is a lot more to come, including short films, podcasts, interviews, mini-documentaries and the list could go on for a while…so watch this space!


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