
Muslims on Twitter unite with hashtag about Maajid Nawaz

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After a fiery exchange between Sam Harris and Mehdi Hasan on Twitter, Maajid Nawaz chimed in and was swiftly and beautifully shut down by Professor Juan Cole from the University of Michigan. Sam Harris, who considers Maajid to be a ‘friend’ has been a vocal opponent of Muslims and Islam over the years (there’s a list of some of his quotes at the bottom of this piece). After Dr Cole told Maajid that he had a Ph.D in Islamic Studies, Maajid replied “you really wanna go there with me bro?🤦🏽 look me up.” Dr Cole’s response was a thing of beauty.

What happened next was somewhat unimaginable. Maajid Nawaz managed to do something good for the Muslim ummah. Our friend Maajid united the Muslims of Twitter.

The tweet that started it all off.

Others quickly answered the call:


Feel free to let Maajid know how you feel!

[easy-tweet tweet=”Muslims struggle to agree on a day for eid, but @maajid on this one thing we can most definitely unite. #MuslimsUnitedAgainstMaajid ” user=”themuslimvibe”]

There’s more!

Whilst Muslims clearly feel that Maajid doesn’t represent them or the wider Islamic community, he is still given airtime by LBC and other media outlets as an expert on and representative of the Muslim community.

For some context, here are some Tweets from a thread Mehdi Hasan put together of quotes from Sam Harris (Maajid’s friend) down the years:



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