The Messenger, on him be peace, said, “The best house among the Muslims is the house in which orphans are well-treated. The worst house among the Muslims is the house in which orphans are ill-treated.” — Bukhari
The Messenger, on him be peace, said, “The best house among the Muslims is the house in which orphans are well-treated. The worst house among the Muslims is the house in which orphans are ill-treated.” — Bukhari
Eid is a time for celebration, and as we commemorate the end of the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims all over the world start to prepare for the joyous holiday by preparing festive meals and buying new outfits.
On Eid, parents and family members like to give children gifts, or money (Eidi) as a reward for completing fasts, finishing the Quran, or fulfilling their Ramadan goals.
Unfortunately, there are over 153 million children worldwide who are orphans, according to SOS Children’s Villages. Some of these orphans have lost one or both parents because of war, illness, or natural disasters. Some are simply abandoned. These children become vulnerable to the ravages of humanitarian crises.
One child dies every three seconds due to poverty, poor health care, and hunger. This makes an average of 10,000 child mortalities every day, most of whom are orphans.

The Messenger, on him be peace, said, “The best house among the Muslims is the house in which orphans are well-treated. The worst house among the Muslims is the house in which orphans are ill-treated.” — Bukhari
As we approach Eid al-Fitr and get ready to spend time with our families and loved ones, whether that may be virtually or in person, let’s not forget to think about giving to those who won’t be.
Zakat Foundation of America, a Chicago-based humanitarian organization, has a dedicated orphan sponsorship program with numerous ways for everyone to get involved and contribute.
Last year, Zakat Foundation of America helped reach 634,116 orphan and vulnerable children with life-saving aid. Imagine how much more we can do together! One small donation can help bring joy to a child who wakes up not having someone to give their love to, does not have someone to give their hugs to, and does not have a sense of what coming home feels like. Zakat Foundation of America has an Eid Gift option, with the option to give however much you desire.

For those orphans who have siblings, or other family members still present, Zakat Foundation of America wants to make sure they don’t get separated. The nonprofit is doing that by constructing guardian homes to secure shelter and facilitate the needs of orphans’ families and caretakers.
Use what’s left of Ramadan to spread some love and joy. Give to a child in need today.