
Help donate emergency food and winter supplies towards Uyghur refugees in Turkey

Around 15,000 Uyghur children have also been affected as well – and as Turkey continues to see an enormous influx of refugees from other crises in the Middle East, many if not most of the Uyghur refugees in the country remain invisible to humanitarian aid. 

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Around 15,000 Uyghur children have also been affected as well – and as Turkey continues to see an enormous influx of refugees from other crises in the Middle East, many if not most of the Uyghur refugees in the country remain invisible to humanitarian aid. 

Over the past few years, charity organization Penny Appeal has reported that approximately 67,000 Uyghurs have fled to Turkey from the horrifying conditions in China. Once in Turkey, however, they are not guaranteed adequate housing conditions, work permits, or humanitarian support.

Around 15,000 Uyghur children have also been affected as well – and as Turkey continues to see an enormous influx of refugees from other crises in the Middle East, many if not most of the Uyghur refugees in the country remain invisible to humanitarian aid.

To help combat this growing crisis, for this winter Penny Appeal has begun its Uyghur Emergency campaign, where warm clothing, food packets, and essential winter supplies are distributed to the 67,000 Uyghurs now based in Turkey. Currently providing food packets to around 500 Uyghur families, Penny Appeal is also providing warm clothing to the Uyghur children of these families, many of whom are based in the provinces of  Kayseri and Eskişehir.

China continues to operate what many have rightfully labelled as a genocide – with around 2 million Uyghur and ethnic Muslim minority people detained in concentration camps across the northwestern province of Xinjiang. Reports of heavy surveillance, torture, forced reversions away from Islam, mass rape, forced sterilizations, and arbitrary deaths are commonplace in the region where Uyghur Muslims are increasingly being victim to one of modern history’s most atrocious acts of human rights abuses.

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As fellow Muslims and as fellow human beings, it becomes a duty on all our parts to help in whatever way we can – and with this campaign, inshAllah we can help alleviate some of the issues surrounding Uyghur refugees during the winter months.

To learn more about the Uyghur Emergency campaign, click here.

To learn more about Penny Appeal, click here.

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