
Join the ‘Sleep Without A Blanket’ campaign and help support Syrian families this winter!

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A World Without Barriers has launched a new campaign called “Sleep Without A Blanket”. The aim of this campaign is to raise funds to purchase blankets for 14,000 Syrian families who are facing the bitterly cold winter which has already set in. Although too late for those who have sadly perished due to the harsh and falling temperatures, a donation of $25 (approx £16.50) will provide an entire family with blankets that will give sufficient respite from the cold.

To take part in this unique campaign, it’s simple! Simply download a sponsor form from the links provided below, and get fundraising! The task is to “Sleep Without A Blanket” for one night. That one nights discomfort is nothing compared to the difficulties faced night after night by thousands of children, including newborns.

To create a feeling of unity, the campaign stresses on selecting any Friday during winter to complete the task on, but participants can do their blanket-free-night on any night. Children and adults are encouraged to participate and also to extend the awareness of the campaign beyond our immediate communities by maximising social media presence using the hashtag #SleepWithoutABlanket and also using Facebook to nominate friends, family and colleagues to take part!

A World Without Barriers can guarantee 100% of funds raised from this campaign go towards purchasing the blankets. Working on a policy of 0% admin deductions from donations and contributions, A World Without Barriers ensures the distribution of the blankets to the intended families.

A JustGiving team page has been set-up to ensure that donations for this campaign are ear-marked collectively. Any participant is able to collect their own funds for this campaign and simply make an on-line donation to the Just Giving Team Page. justgiving.com/teams/blankets

Use the links below to download sponsor forms, posters and an ideas sheet for more ways to promote this ground-breaking campaign.

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Sponsor Form

A sponsor form ready to print. Click here to download your copy today.


A downloadable poster, ready to print off, email or share via social media/WhatsApp. Click here to download yours now and get SHARING!


Maximise the reach of this campaign using these ideas or create your own. Download your copy now.


If you aren’t able to join the campaign, but would like to donate, please click here!

For more information, please email: sleepwithoutablanket@gmail.com
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