
Thousands of Muslims Will Take This Special Challenge in Ramadan

To date, the worldwide LaunchGood community has provided over $37M in funding to over 3500 campaigns.

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To date, the worldwide LaunchGood community has provided over $37M in funding to over 3500 campaigns.

Over 15,000 Muslims took the LaunchGood Ramadan Challenge in 2017. Will you join them this year?

Both blessings and rewards are multiplied during Ramadan – and we cannot know by how much, or when. Giving even a small amount of charity during Ramadan can bring big results. With this in mind, it’s wise to give at least a small amount of charity every day. This is why, three years ago, Launchgood introduced the Ramadan Challenge.

LaunchGood.com is a crowdfunding platform that helps incredible Muslims to fund great projects. To date, the worldwide LaunchGood community has provided over $37M in funding to over 3500 campaigns.

The LaunchGood Ramadan Challenge is a month-long giving challenge, that helps you to give to a new campaign every day during the month of fasting. The Ramadan Challenge helps you bridge the gap between your actions and intentions, by:

  • Connecting you with high-quality campaigns,
  • Making it very convenient to give (and helping you remember if you forget),
  • And helping to multiply the impact of your gifts.

This is why over 15,000 people took the LaunchGood Ramadan Challenge last year – and even more are joining this year!

Will you join them?

LaunchGood helps you support exciting campaigns all over the world.

Hundreds of exciting, meaningful campaigns

You know there are Muslims all over the world who are doing incredible projects. You want to support their work. But how do you find them?

That’s where LaunchGood comes in. Muslims from over 100 countries (and counting!) have funded projects through LaunchGood.

There will be over 1000 campaigns on LaunchGood this Ramadan – and some of the most exciting campaigns we’ve seen yet will be featured in this year’s Ramadan Challenge! Check out this list of 21 of the best projects from last year’s Ramadan Challenge. You don’t want to miss out!

Convenient methods to give

You’re busy, and life doesn’t stop just because it’s Ramadan. In the month of fasting, you can never finish everything you want to do. It’s easy to get overwhelmed – or to forget. When you join the LaunchGood Ramadan Challenge, you won’t miss a day of giving. Every day is a new opportunity, and the Challenge helps you make the most of each one.

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Once you join the Challenge, you have two options:

  • Manual giving – Get an email reminder with suggested campaigns every day, then give to the campaign of your choice
  • Automatic giving – Set a daily giving amount, and LaunchGood will automatically direct your gift to a new, exciting campaign every day

You just need to check your Challenge dashboard to see your progress. If you miss a day, it’s easy to catch up. When you’re busy, you can switch from manual to automatic giving anytime – or from automatic to manual if you want more control. Your payment information is protected by Stripe, with the most stringent level of security available in the payments industry.

The Ramadan Challenge lets you give without the hassle – especially if you choose automated giving. You just have to make the intention, and sign up!

Multiply the impact of your gifts

How do you know if your gift will have an impact? For campaigns in your local community, it’s relatively easy. But what about campaigns on the other side of the world?

All campaigns in the LaunchGood Ramadan Challenge go through a three-stage review process before they are featured:

  1. The campaign creator submits their campaign to LaunchGood for review
  2. The campaign creator applies to have their campaign featured in the LaunchGood Ramadan Challenge
  3. Once the campaign is partially funded (usually around 20-30% of goal) LaunchGood features the campaign to give it a boost – from you!

Ultimately, only God can know whether a particular campaign will succeed – but you still need to do your research and due diligence before you give, and LaunchGood helps you with that. When you join the LaunchGood Ramadan Challenge, you know you’re supporting campaigns that matter.

This is your opportunity

Before you know it, Ramadan will be gone. Don’t miss your opportunity! Join the LaunchGood Ramadan Challenge today, and make the most of this brief, blessed time! 

This year, we’re even sending 3 people who join this year’s Ramadan Challenge on Umrah – for free!

What are you waiting for?

Click here to join the LaunchGood Ramadan Challenge today!

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