CommunityMiddle East

Clean water for the displaced in Iraq

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A few days ago The Zahra Trust started preparations for its Mowkib in between the regions of Najaf and Karbala at pole number 470 when the diggers hit a water source whilst they were drilling.  The water was highly contaminated and dirty and is not fit for human consumption.

The Trust were extremely disappointed as they wanted to provide the water to the vulnerable families who have escaped the horrors of ISIS in the North of Iraq and are now densely populated in Najaf and its surrounding areas.  The majority of the victims have left their homes with little or no belongings and are in desperate need of basic necessities such as food, water, shelter and clothing.

The Zahra Trust has been able to source a water facility that will be able to purify and produce around 1200 litres of clean safe drinking water per hour, that’s 28,800 litres per day that can be made available to over thousands of vulnerable families. The cost of the water station is only £5000 and can be built within 2 weeks.  The water station if built in the next few weeks will also benefit millions of zawars during the Arabeen walk from Najaf to Karbala.

Donate online on: www.justgiving.com/thirst or www.zahratrust.com/donate

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Text: PANI72 £10 to 70070

Video of drilling at pole number 470:

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