
Does the problem of racism exist within the Muslim community? (podcast)

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We discuss racism and Islam with one of the leading voice for Muslims and Islam in Michigan.

Dawud Walid is the Executive Director of the Michigan branch of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and an Imam who has traveled around the USA delivering speeches and sermons on a range of topics.

On this podcast, we tackle the issue of race within our communities, the Black Lives Matter movement and Trump’s America.


The articles and statistics discussed on this podcast can be found here:

We apologise for the audio quality as there were a few technical issues this week, but do tune in and feel free to get in touch with any feedback or ideas for future podcasts on editor@themuslimvibe.com

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We look forward to your thoughts and feedback, and hopefully some suggestions for our next topics. You can do so by emailing us on editor@themsulimvibe.com.

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