
Bearded Broz Show the Charitable Spirit of Islam for a New Ramadan Film (Video)

Imran has always run the foodbank on the basis of the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh). 

Imran has always run the foodbank on the basis of the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh). 

The Bearded Broz are a community group that were established in Birmingham last year. Since the group’s inception, they have helped provide support to victims of the Grenfell Tower fire, for clearing rubbish from the streets of Birmingham during council strikes, as well as providing essential supplies to local residents through the Salma Foodbank, an initiative run by one of the group’s co-founders, Imran Hameed.

This film highlights the important work the ‘Salma Food Bank’ does in helping those in desperate need, not least Jodie, a local woman, who having previously received food parcels from the group now volunteers for the Bearded Broz.

Imran has always run the food bank on the basis of the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). He said:

“Regardless of how many times you’ve given to charity, regardless of how many times you’ve prayed, regardless of how good you are – if your neighbour has gone to bed hungry and you are not concerned, you are not even a Muslim.”

Speaking about the group’s objectives, Imran said, “We bring a lot more than food, it’s a bigger message of love. And if we can leave a legacy behind that makes communities come together, I think this would be our main objective.”

As Ramadan starts, the film highlights the positive charity work going on within the UK. It showcases the charitable nature of Islam and how groups like the Bearded Broz embody this every day. This group puts their faith into practice by not just saying they’re Muslim but showing they’re Muslim.


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