
On the Level: Children Being Sexually Abused (Documentary)

In this episode of On The Level, Inayat explores the heartbreaking issue of children being sexually abused, recounting his own personal experience as a child…

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In this episode of On The Level, Inayat explores the heartbreaking issue of children being sexually abused, recounting his own personal experience as a child…

Sexual abuse on children is a hidden crisis within society, leaving thousands of vulnerable children mentally and emotionally damaged every year. In this episode of On The Level, Inayat explores possible solutions to this heartbreaking issue, recounting his own personal experience of being sexually abused as a child.

The NSPCC reports that 1 in 20 children have experienced sexual abuse, with over 90% being abused by someone they knew. Many who are abused sexually as children do not tell anyone else and often blame themselves for what happened to them.

While statistics on child sexual abuse within the Muslim community are scarce, this is an issue which transcends religion, ethnicity and cultures on a global level. However, issues related to sexual abuse within the Muslim community are often seen as a taboo, leaving those vulnerable feeling they have no space or place to speak out.

If you have been a victim of sexual abuse or know someone who has been, you can seek help via the below organisations:

NSPCC (UK): 0808 800 5000 / nspcc.org.uk

National Child Abuse Helpline (USA): 855-897-5910 / childhelp.org

If you have suffered child sexual abuse in the past, you can participate in the Truth Project, an independent inquiry into child sexual abuse: truthproject.org.uk

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