
Al-Jihad: Purifying the Soul

How do you understand the concept of jihad?

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How do you understand the concept of jihad?

The word, “Islam” was coined from an Arabic word, “Salam”, which means peace. Islam as a religion was created by the Almighty Allah to set mankind in the right path, and build peace throughout the entire world.

The word “Jihad” has been making waves in the whole world as people have been made to have wrong notions about it. Many Muslims, let alone non-Muslims, do not know nor understand the meaning and the concept of jihad in Islam. A vast majority of people believe that jihad is engaging in wars, fighting, rioting, cutting the hands of thieves, stoning adulterers to death and so on. This is absolute misconception and misinterpretation.

Some people also believe that jihad is compelling non-Muslims to accept Islam. The Qur’an has clarified this in one of its verses when the Almighty Allah says “Let there be no compulsion in religion” (Al Quran 2:256). This means that nobody should enforce the Islamic religion on other humans.

Literally, jihad means to strive or struggle. To strive in the ways of Allah by helping mankind and preventing things that could hamper peace in a society. Contrary to the opinion of myriad of people, jihad can be categorized into six, namely; Jihad Nafsu, Jihad Maal, Jihad Taleem, Jihad Tabligh, Jihad Siyasi and Jihad Kital.

Jihad Nafsu is the Jihad of the soul. This is to suppress our souls from committing sin, and rather encourage it to obey the rules of Allah to the letter.

Jihad Maal is spending the money or wealth bestowed on us by Allah to help mankind. Giving money to the needy, building mosques, schools, hospitals, and creating halal jobs for people to earn their living are all good examples of Jihad Maal.

Jihad Taleem is teaching people Islam, morals, good manners and good characters. It also involves teaching people to do away with bad behaviours and illegal acts.

Jihad Tabligh is basically calling people to the righteous path. This is inviting them to Islam. Allah says in Quran chapter 25 verse 52, “So obey not the disbelievers, but strive against them (by preaching) with the utmost endeavor, with it”.

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Furthermore, Jihad Siyasi is participating in politics in order to liberate the poor, enhance economic growth and development, and ensure that the citizens of a state live comfortably and peacefully.

In addition, Jihad Kital has to do with self-defense. After the call to Prophethood, the pagans in Makkah always invaded and attacked the early Muslims. When the situation got to a point, Almighty Allah (SWT) instructed Prophet Muhammad to prepare his followers for a self-defense. Islam forbids Muslims to first attack anybody or group, but permits them to fight against attackers. The following verses of the Qur’an explain this better: 

”And fight in the way of Allah those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. Truly, Allah likes not the transgressors” (Quran 2 verse 190).

“Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion and did not drive you out of your homes. Verily, Allah loves those who deal with equity” (Al Quran 60:8).

The above facts clarify that fighting by Muslims is nothing but self-defense, and with a caution not to transgress.

Conclusively, jihad means soul purification, helping and elevating the poor, teaching righteous deeds, calling people to the truth, participating in politics for the betterment of the society and kicking against injustice, indecency and ungodly behaviours.

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