
Exploring Spiritual Dimensions Within At A Young Age

If I can define spirituality for your understanding it is how to live a life full of peace – spiritual dimensions uplift our souls and purify our thought process.

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If I can define spirituality for your understanding it is how to live a life full of peace – spiritual dimensions uplift our souls and purify our thought process.

“Quarantine”. Nobody is unaware of what is going around. We all have got plenty of time; this pause should not be taken as for granted. It is given to us for a reason we all need to understand what nature is trying to teach us so we will not regret later – unlike general summer vacations which are always being utilized in fun and going out somewhere; this unexpected vacation is quite different from usual. As we all are house ridden.

If you ask me what is that one thing I would like to teach my younger self, it would be to learn spiritual dimensions. I see my younger self in you all – let’s discuss how you could practice spirituality in your lives right from this young age.

Now, I am not saying that you all should become a saint. If I can define spirituality for your understanding it is how to live a life full of peace – spiritual dimensions uplift our souls and purify our thought process. When I was about your age the dominating emotions were jealousy, envy, hate, wrath, etc. We need to learn at a very early phase of life about eradicating such unnecessary emotions.

Do not take spirituality as a part-time job or keeping only to prayers or meditations. Make it a lifestyle. So here are some tips to begin the new journey for my young peeps. 

1. Accompanied by God  

Make God your best friend. Rick Warren beautifully explained this in his book “The Purpose-Driven Life” that everything you do can be spending time with God; what you commonly do for others or for yourself, start doing it for God. Even in the simplest of acts like eating, bathing, working on an assignment, relaxing or taking the trash out of the bin; whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for men.

When we keep God by our side, we never get involved in destructions this world offers us at every step – God will guide us on every step as we no longer consider him a separate entity, but we keep him as our best friend. Practice this as much as you can so you never forget the one who loves you the most. 

2. Meditations

Fix a time in a day as per your convenience for meditation. YouTube is filled with all sorts of guided meditations – go through them and chose any meditation, which make you feel relaxed. Keep meditation as necessary as brushing your teeth each day.

Offering Namaz is our meditation, but if you have a problem of not being able to concentrate on it, revise the words you heard in guided mediation as this will help you out as it is also a self-implemented tip.

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3. Books for uplifting your soul

I would highly recommend you all to go through the below-mentioned books to enhance more peace of mind. I call these books as food for the soul:

  1. “The Purpose-Driven Life” by Rick Warren
  2. “Free of Me” by Sharon Hodde Miller
  3. “Practicing the Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle
  4. “Who Will Cry When You Die?” by Robin Sharma
  5. “The Practice of the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence 

4. Make the house chores less frustrating  

We often feel sluggish while doing house chores, especially these days when no one is coming to help us from outside. For those of us who have them, we often take our helpers for granted, but we should be thankful to them for what they are doing for us daily for a very little amount of salary. Also, this phase in our lives has taught us not to get dependent on anyone in your life.

To make your house chores less hectic and boring, throw yourself in the pool of peace. I started listening to podcasts based on topics like productivity and spirituality – listening to the podcasts directs my attention to what the speaker is saying and keeps me active too. 

5. Saved the best for last 

Make a handy notebook in which on each page write what touches your soul deeply. For instance, if you come across a lesson on how to overcome anger and you feel why am I not able to recall this at the time when anger flows through my veins? – write that sentence on that handy notebook by putting a heading on it (“ON ANGER”) to remind you when you feel angry take out that notebook and read that sentence.

Do not write on your phone – keep anything along with you that should be handwritten. As you are a beginner, you need to do this at the start to train your mind this way and once you get used to it, the messages God taught to you will automatically appear in your mind.  

Do not waste your precious time on the unnecessary stuff this world is busy serving in front of you. Instead, utilize this time to uplift yourself by exploring the unexplored dimensions of your life.

We live in a fallen world – a world which is full of all sorts of distractions and lustful things, stress, anger, frustration, hatred, comparison, and competition are so common emotions in our lives. Now, it is up to you either you all should go for what attractive world is offering or live a life following what God offers you. In the end, all that will matter is to love God and to serve him – and as Ramadan is here, this is the best time to start your journey towards understanding spirituality.

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