
How Zakat Can Change Our Society (Podcast)

Instead of looking at zakat as just a form of charity, Iqbal explains that we need to fundamentally change the way we view zakat – it is not just an individualist, reactive form of charity, instead, it is a calculated and required form of duty towards our wider community to help those most in need.

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Instead of looking at zakat as just a form of charity, Iqbal explains that we need to fundamentally change the way we view zakat – it is not just an individualist, reactive form of charity, instead, it is a calculated and required form of duty towards our wider community to help those most in need.

On this week’s TMV Podcast, Chief Editor Salim Kassam spoke to Iqbal Nasim from the National Zakat Foundation for a fascinating discussion on the importance of zakat in our society today, and how it should not be considered a simple charity – zakat remains an essential part of supporting our Muslim ummah as well as spreading the word of Islam.

To listen to the full discussion, click below:

The National Zakat Foundation remains deeply important because of the focus it puts on giving back locally – by redistributing wealth to local Muslim communities and families who are in need of help from the wider Muslim ummah. This, explains Iqbal, is what zakat is truly about.

Instead of looking at zakat as just a form of charity, Iqbal explains that we need to fundamentally change the way we view zakat – it is not just an individualist, reactive form of charity, instead, it is a calculated and required form of duty towards our wider community to help those most in need.

Zakat is supposed to be organized. Its supposed to come together and achieve something collectively. Zakat is supposed to further Islam.”

Many Muslims, especially those who live in the West, feel compelled to give zakat towards international campaigns and causes – after all, unfortunately, the world is in no shortage of injustices and wars that heavily affect Muslims. But Iqbal brings up the point that while charity can go to causes that an individual feel compelled towards, zakat is important for bettering our communities and ensuring we center God in our local communities.

We are not more responsible for individuals around the world than to deal with furthering the cause of God Almighty where we are locally…To appreciate zakat you have to understand Islam not as a private individual faith but as a cause.”

The point of zakat is to not just simply give, but to further the cause of God Himself, Iqbal explains. The reward of giving zakat should not only be about you giving out of your wealth, but about bettering the society we live in.

Pointing out the fact that prayer and charity are part of the fundamental aspects of being a true believer and lover of Allah, Iqbal explains that we need to change the way we view zakat – not as an annual charity obligation but as a larger movement of creating a faithful Muslim ummah.

“Every time we don’t pray, we undermine the entire Muslim community. And every time we don’t properly pay zakat, we undermine the entire Muslim community,” Iqbal explains.

To listen to the full podcast and discussion, click below:

