Although there is no specific formula for making dua, here is a complete guide on the etiquette of reciting the perfect dua!
Although there is no specific formula for making dua, here is a complete guide on the etiquette of reciting the perfect dua!
When we make dua, we are actually speaking to God. We are asking Him for something that we want or need. The etiquette of making dua is very important because it shows our respect and humble attitude towards God. You’ll often find children who want something from their parents well-behaved because they want to increase the chances of having their wish answered. Another example is job interviews. When we’re given the chance to secure a job we really want, we’ll make sure to be well-dressed and well-spoken.
God doesn’t necessarily need these things from us. He is beyond “needing” anything. But if we make some effort in the way we approach duas, we illustrate to God that we value Him and the conversation.
In this article, we briefly mention the importance of making dua followed by a comprehensive guide on the etiquettes of duas.
The importance of dua in Islam
There is no doubt Allah (SWT) enjoys hearing the duas of his servants. In chapter two, Surah Baqarah, Allah (SWT) says:
And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he calls on Me.”
We can ask Allah (SWT) for a billion things every day, He won’t get tired of listening to us. Why is this the case? Because the more we recite duas, the more we remember God, and the more we remember God, the softer our hearts become and the more sensitive we become to following what is halal and avoiding what is haram.
And we shouldn’t ask only when there is a ‘real’ need like a job, a spouse etc. The Prophet says in Tirmidhi, that we should literally ask for everything:
Let one of you ask his Lord for his every need, until he asks Him for salt, and asks Him for the strap of his sandal when it breaks.”
Everything we have, from our homes to the laces on our shoes is from God, so it only makes sense we should ask him in everything and anything.
Now that we know there should be no shyness in making dua, let’s go through the etiquette of the dua itself
Perform Wudhu before making dua
Wudhu is a way of preparing oneself mentally and spiritually for the daily prayers so with the same logic, it can also put us in the mood and headspace to make dua. By taking the time to perform wudhu with intention and focus, we remind ourselves that we are about to stand before Allah and His Majesty. As a result, the wudhu will help us to make dua with humility and submission.
Wudhu also sheds our sins. The Prophet said (Muslim):
Whoever does wudhu and does wudhu well, his sins come out of his body, even from beneath his nails.”
If we can remove sins from ourselves before making dua, it is more likely to be accepted and answered quicker.
Wear Perfume before making dua
When we want to make dua, or supplication, to Allah, it is important that we take the time to prepare ourselves both mentally and physically. One way to do this is by wearing perfume. By wearing perfume, we are putting forth our best effort to be clean and presentable before Allah. It is a sign of respect and humility, and it shows that we are taking our dua seriously.
The perfume was very dear to our Prophet. In this regard, there are ahadith too numerous to mention. We suffice with this one narrated by Aisha in Sunan Nasai:
The Messenger of Allah said: ‘In this world, women and perfume have been made dear to me, and my comfort has been provided in prayer.'”
Give Charity before making dua
When we make dua, or supplicate to Allah, we are essentially asking for His help. We are asking for His mercy and guidance, and seeking His blessing in our lives. The significance of giving charity before making dua is we are showing that we are willing to help others even when we ourselves are in need. We are demonstrating our trust in Allah and our belief that He will provide for us. It is especially important to give charity before making dua. By doing so, we are reminding ourselves that we must first seek to help others before asking for our needs.
face the qiblah before beginning your dua
It only makes sense to face the Qiblah before making dua. Facing the direction of the holiest of sites in Islam is not compulsory but makes logical sense. Try to face the qiblah whenever possible when making dua, whether we are in our homes, workplaces, or even outdoors. By doing so, we can show our dedication to Allah and possibly increase our chances of having our prayers answered.
think positively of Allah (SWT) before starting the dua
When making dua, or supplicating to Allah, it is important to remember that He is Kind and Merciful. He will not leave us empty-handed but will provide for us according to His infinite wisdom. While we may not always understand His plan, we can be certain that He has our best interests at heart. Therefore, we should approach Him with humble hearts, asking for His guidance and blessings. We should also have full faith that He will answer our prayers, in His own time and in His own way. By keeping these things in mind, we can make our dua more effective and meaningful.
praise and glorify allah (SWT) before the dua
Before making dua, it is important to take a moment to praise and glorify Allah. By doing so, we remind ourselves of His greatness and goodness, and our hearts are filled with humility and reverence. Additionally, the act of praising Allah helps to purify our intentions, ensuring that our dua is sincere and free from any ulterior motives.
raise your hands when making dua
One of the most important things to remember when making dua is to raise our hands. This physical act is a powerful demonstration of our humility and our need for Allah’s help. It also serves as a reminder that we are powerless without Him. When we raise our hands while making dua, we are surrendering ourselves to Allah and acknowledge that He is the only One who can help us.
Having the hands raised during dua was also a practice of the Prophet. Anas bin Malik reports in Bukhari:
The Prophet raised his hands (in invocation) till I saw the whiteness of his armpits.”
start your dua with bismillah
Beginning any task with the words “Bismillah” (“in the name of God”) is spiritually beneficial. Not only does it help to remind the individual of their dependence on Allah, but it also is seen as a way of seeking Allah’s guidance and blessings in whatever task is about to be undertaken. The Prophet has often encouraged people to say bismillah before various acts from eating to relieving oneself.
By starting our duas with bismillah, we are showing their humble submission to Allah and asking for His guidance and blessings.
be present throughout the dua
When making dua, it is important to have the presence of mind. This means being fully present and focused on what you are asking for, and not letting your mind wander. If you are not fully present, your dua may not be as powerful as it could be. Also, are we serious about our dua if we are unable to focus during it?
the importance of being sincere and humble in dua
Additionally, it is important to make dua with sincerity and humility. Ask Allah for what you truly want and need, and be grateful for what you already have. Remember that Allah is All-Powerful and All-Knowing, and He will answer your dua in the way that is best for you. So have faith and trust in His plan, and be patient while making dua.
pray for others before yourself
When we make dua, or prayers, it is important to remember that we are not the only ones in need of Allah’s mercy and guidance. Our brothers and sisters all over the world are also in need of His blessings. Therefore, when we start our dua, we should first pray for others. We should pray for those who are sick, for those who are struggling financially, and for those who are going through a difficult time. By doing this, we are putting the needs of others before our own and showing that we are compassionate people. This is an important part of being a Muslim and it is something that we should all strive to do.
send blessings on the prophet before and after making dua
The Holy Qur’an says in Surah Ahzab, verse 56:
God and His angels bless the Prophet- so, you who believe, bless him too and give him greetings of peace.”
The Prophet is the one who brought us recognition of Allah and taught us dua. It’s only right we begin and end dua with this salutation. On this note, Umar ibn Khattab has said in Tirmidhi:
Dua is suspended between heaven and earth and none of it is taken up until you send blessings upon your Prophet.”
be mindful of what we request from Allah (SWT)
As Muslims, we are taught to turn to Allah in all aspects of our lives. Whenever we face difficulties, we are instructed to make dua or supplication. This is a powerful act of worship that can bring us closer to Allah and help us to overcome our challenges. However, it is important to remember that we should only ask for things that are halal, or permissible. Asking for something that is haram, or forbidden, is not only pointless, but it also shows a lack of respect for Allah. When we make dua, we should take care to only ask for things that are good and beneficial for us. In this way, we can be sure that our dua will be heard and answered by Allah.
Recite duas enthusiastically
There are many reasons why we should recite duas in an enthusiastic tone. One reason is that it helps to remind us of the power of our words. When we take the time to speak our duas with intention and feeling, we are reminded of the impact that our words can have. Additionally, reciting duas with enthusiasm can help to increase our focus and concentration. By speaking our duas with conviction, we can help to still our thoughts and connect with the Divine.
Mention your needs in detail
When we make dua to Allah, it is important that we be as specific as possible about what we are asking for. We might think that Allah already knows what we want, so there is no need to go into great detail. However, there are several reasons why it is important to be specific in our dua. First, it helps us to focus our intentions and really think about what we are asking for. If we are vague in our requests, our minds can wander and we might not be fully focused on the dua itself. Additionally, being specific shows that we have thought about our request and that we are serious about it. It also demonstrates our trust in Allah’s power and ability to answer our prayers.
Speak to Allah (SWT) in a low voice
Reciting dua in a soft voice can promote a sense of calm and inner peace. If we are in public, it is best to lower our voices so as not to disturb those around us. In addition, it is important to be mindful of the words we use when making dua. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the moment that we forget to watch our language. Remember that Allah is All-Knowing and All-Seeing, and He hears everything we say. Let us always strive to make our duas with humility and respect.
Pass both hands over the face after the dua
Once you have finished making your dua, it is recommended that you pass both hands over your face. This can help purify your heart and mind, and to prevent any negative thoughts or emotions from taking over.
abandon disobedience after making dua
Simply put, if a Muslim wants Allah to answer their prayers, they must first make an effort to live a life that is pleasing to Him. Only then will their dua be heard and answered.
Make dua as frequently as possible
For Muslims, making duas is a core part of our faith. We turn to Allah in good times and bad, in moments of joy and sorrow, asking for His guidance, forgiveness, and blessing. The beauty of Islam is that there are no limits on how often we can make dua. We can do it as frequently as we like, throughout the day and night. There are no set rules or regulations – we can simply pour out our hearts to Allah, knowing that He is always listening. Some people find it helpful to set aside specific times for making dua, such as after each prayer or before going to sleep at night. Others prefer to spontaneously make duas throughout the day, whenever the need arises. Ultimately, the most important thing is that we turn to Allah regularly and earnestly, with humility and sincerity. By doing so, we maintain a strong connection with our Lord and open ourselves up to His infinite mercy and grace.
dua is your most powerful weapon
Dua is one of the most powerful weapons that a Muslim has in their arsenal. It is a form of worship that shows our complete reliance on Allah and begs for His mercy and help. When we make dua, we are admitting that we are weak and in need of guidance. And while it might be easy to make dua when things are going well, it is in moments of hardship that dua becomes truly pivotal. It is then that we need to redouble our efforts and make dua with even more enthusiasm. Dua is an act of worship that should be part of our daily routine, but all too often it is neglected. We should be making dua at all times, whether we are happy or sad, worried or stressed. By making dua a part of our lives, we are constantly reminding ourselves that Allah is the Most Merciful and the Most Powerful. And while we might not always get what we want, even if our dua isn’t answered immediately, we can be sure that Allah is listening and knows what’s best for us. So let us never give up making dua to Allah, because it is through dua that miracles happen.