
The Mercy of Prophet Muhammed

How many of us actually implement mercy in our lives?

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How many of us actually implement mercy in our lives?

In Islam, mercy has a very wide meaning that includes love, compassion tolerance for people and to treat others in a way we would love to be treated.

Islam is considered to be the religion of mercy. Mercy is a moral virtue as it regulates passions. The spirituality of mercy is about encountering the love of God which ultimately leads to self-love, which forms the basis of mercy.

Mercy is the nature and attribute of God. Characteristics of God are also reflected in His messengers – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was an absolute incarnation of mercy. His character was the Qur’an. His teachings and characteristics reflect the nature and attributes of God that are part of the Qur’an and finally Islam. 

There are a few types of mercy: 

  • By deed 
  • By words 
  • By prayer 

The Prophet As A Mercy For His Believers

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the Prophet of mercy sent by Allah to mankind, believers, disbelievers, and even hypocrites. The Prophet’s love toward his believers was of intense degree. In the Holy Qur’an, the compassion of Rasool(SAW) is described in the following words: 

– مُك ْليََل ٌص ْت يم لَِرْ صٌ لََليْ رِ لَا لَرُِِّك رِ كُيم لٌَرَ يْ َلَللَيْ لَاء كُيم لِ كِو صٌ م كَيُ رَرِْ لْ لِكُو صٌ رِ رَْمٌاَيِر

“There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Sorrowful to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned for you [i.e., your guidance] and to the believers is kind and merciful.” (Qur’an: 9:128) 

Allah is the most merciful. He is always willing to forgive his believers if they call Him for forgiveness and mercy. He addresses his believers in the following: 

‘O My servants who wronged against their souls, do not despair of Allah’s mercy! For Allah forgives all sins, He is indeed Forgiving, Compassionate…. ‘” (39:53) 

The Prophet’s Mercy Towards His Enemies

In Makkah, the Prophet (SAW) was inflicted with every kind of suffering that his survival became impossible and he migrated to Madinah. He was really depressed and heartbroken at that time but he never uttered a single word against his enemies – not even he complained to his God. However, when he conquered Makkah without any kind of bloodshed, his enemies were waiting for his decision when he said: 

“How do you expect me to treat you?” 

They said: “You are a noble person and a son of a noble person…..” They all were aware of the compassion and mercy of the Holy Prophet (SAW). He proclaimed forgiveness for everyone and said that may Allah forgive you all.

Forgiving your enemies is such a challenging task that not everyone can do this. Only those people whose hearts are filled with mercy and kindness for other people can forgive others. 

The Prophet’s Mercy For Women

At that time, women were treated very badly and their rights were not guaranteed. However, our Prophet was very affectionate and concerned about women’s rights – their position and status were improved after the arrival of Islam in Makkah and Madinah as Islam provided them with security and honour in society.

Our Prophet established explicit rights for women and ensured they were followed. Before Allah, men and women are equal and this equality provides them honour and pride in society. 

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The Prophet’s Mercy For Children

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was very concerned and compassionate towards children as well. His teachings include love and respect for younger ones. He hugged and embraced the children. On one occasion, Prophet(PBUH) said : 

When Allah blesses people with children, and they give their children love and meet their parental obligation, Allah keeps them safe from the fires of Hell.” 

He was really concerned about the orphans as he knew the pain and depression with which the child suffers after the death of his beloved parent. He used to kiss his beloved grandsons, Hazrat Imam Hassan(RA) and Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA). Once Aqra bin Haabis(RA) watched him while he was kissing his grandson, and he said; 

“I have have ten sons. I have never kissed any of my sons like this.” 

The Prophet (SAW) replied; 

“The one with no pity will not be pitied.” 

The Prophet’s Mercy For Animals

His compassion encompasses not only humans but also animals.

He completely forbade keeping animals hungry, or thirsty, or overburdening them. Being merciful with the creatures of Allah brings us closer to their creator.

Once upon a time when Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his companions came back from a military operation, some of his companions caught chicks from the nest of a bird to play with them. When the mother bird came back, she started searching for her children while screaming as she was unable to see his little chicks in her nest. When the Prophet became aware of the situation, he became very furious and ordered his companions to put back the little chicks in the nest. On one occasion the Prophet (PBUH) said: 

You will not have secure faith until you love one another and have mercy on those who live upon the earth.” (Hadiths: Bukhari, Muslim, and Abu Dawud) 


The primary names of Allah (SWT) dealing with mercy are ARREHMAN And AR RAHIM. Allah is the most gracious and most merciful and His messenger also contains the characteristics and attributes of Allah.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was sincere and balanced in his love and compassion. He is a complete embodiment of compassion and mercy. He was the representative and last messenger of Allah. He lived not for himself but for us and guided us on the path of success in this life and hereafter. His teachings are a beacon of light for humanity.

As educators, it is our responsibility to instill these values in ourselves as well as in the upcoming generations. To get mercy we should have to be merciful. It is also the sunnah of our beloved Prophet.

Being merciful brings you happiness because being kind to other people actually blesses you with happiness. To end, here are just a few ways we can all become a little more merciful towards each other and ourselves: 

  • Help others. 
  • Do good to those who hurt you. 
  • Forgive others. 
  • Be just. 
  • Build bridges of love for others. 
  • Be compassionate towards other creatures.

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