
TMV answers the question: Who was the Prophet Mohammed?

The Prophet Mohammed: a symbol of patience, unity, justice, and love. TMV reflects on what he means to us today.

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The Prophet Mohammed: a symbol of patience, unity, justice, and love. TMV reflects on what he means to us today.

“And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds” [Quran 21:107].

Haseeb Rizvi (Creative Director/Co-Founder)

For me, the Prophet symbolizes perfection in a human being. A perfection we should all aspire towards in our daily lives. What I love about him most is his character; he was so warm, gentle, and truthful that even his enemies would see him as trustworthy. At the same time, he was a brave leader who submitted himself to the will of Allah with complete faith. In the Quran we see examples of how the Prophet would sometimes be anxious about the state of his people and the delivery of his message, and then God consoles him by telling him that everything will turn out okay. As an activist of sort, this has given me peace in my heart at a time I was frustrated by the state of affairs in our Ummah. I learn from the Prophet that one can only bring about real change through submitting to Allah, and letting Him deliver what He wills.

I find peace in the fact that if the Prophet, God’s chosen messenger, was not able to change everyone – then who am I? No one. And in that acknowledgement comes liberation from the notion that “I” am somehow responsible for the actions and beliefs of others. It forces me to focus on my own actions and perfecting my manners, and whilst still doing activism – leaving the results and glory to Allah. Just do your part, God will take care of the rest.

Salim Kassam (Chief Editor/Co-Founder)

The Prophet Muhammad for me, exemplified what it means to be a human being in its purest form. It’s easy to get lost in the dogma of our faith and forget that at its epicentre is a man who was the ultimate exemplar for us in both his words and actions. He was a social reformer who didn’t allow society to dictate his outlook, and rather preferred a God-centric moral overview which attracted people to him and his message.

Before prophethood, he spent 40 years amongst his community and became known as Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin (the truthful and the trustworthy). When people would leave town for a short amount of time, they would leave their belongings with him, with complete certainty in their mind that everything would be returned to them in full. Before instituting daily prayers and fasting, his first message to the people post-revelation was to greet one another with salaam (peace) and break bread together. When I think of the Prophet Muhammad, I am reminded that at its essence, before we get lost in nuances of whether to fold our arms when we pray or keep them by our side, we need to uphold basic values of love and respect in our interactions with others, with our selves, and with our Lord.

Nouri Sardar (Senior Video Producer)

The Prophet and his family taught me how to express my love and devotion towards Allah. No matter where you come from in this world, no matter what ethnicity or language or culture you stand upon, the love for the One is the one steadfast emotion that binds us all together. What remains incredible to me is that, especially being born and raised here in London, I see the power of the Prophet’s message: the hearts of the East are now using the speech of the West to proclaim their love. If that is not a proof of the miracle of this love, I do not know what is.

Ahdra Merali (Podcast Producer)

The Prophet taught us a thousand different ways to love Allah, which reminds me that there are a thousand different types of worship. We live in such a diverse world, with so many different types of Muslims, that it is a constant reminder to me how beautiful Islam is. The Prophet included people from all walks of life, from those at the highest levels of society to those at the very bottom. In our world today, where society seems split and divided over arbitrary levels, the Prophet remains one of the sole examples of how to truly worship Allah.

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Hassan Hady (Social Media Manager)

The Prophet to me is someone who implemented, to the best degree, social justice. An activist, teaching us to be activists, to stand for justice…whether it be with us or against us. He teaches us to find the best in people, even if they may wrong us. He mentioned we must give 70 reasons for that person’s behaviour before we judge. This develops our intrinsic morality, and to question everything we hear and see. For us to be truly free, we must know the truth for ourselves.

Aya Al-Burayhe (Graphic Designer)

The Prophet to me is a symbol of patience. He taught us so much patience and persistence in the way we behave, and the manners we have to keep up in our daily lives….in our ikhlaq that we have to keep up. He is a symbol of family and love. The way he treated his family and companions makes you want to become a better person, and strive to aim towards the lessons he teaches us.

Jessica Aya Harn (Senior Editor)

To me the Prophet is a constant reminder to be aware of those who are oppressed or downcast in society…all of the examples and stories from the life of the Prophet reminds me of the importance to stand up to oppression and to stand with the oppressed, no matter who they might be. The gentleness, the quietness, and the beauty of determination are some of the most empowering aspects of the Prophet’s character to me – that even with a quiet determination you can still topple mountains.

“O Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a witness, and a bringer of good tidings, and a warner” [Quran 33:45].

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