
The American Muslim Storytellers Grant

The deadline for funding and applications is on 24/02/2017

The deadline for funding and applications is on 24/02/2017

We’re all sick of headlines screaming false headlines (or should we call it alternative truths?) and it takes seconds to turn to Twitter and see the extent to which people are complaining. Sure, some are taking action by hitting the streets and voicing their opinions, but this organisation is taking it a step further and seeking to change the narrative on Muslims from behind the cameras and onto screens.

The American Muslim Storytellers grant is in partnership with the Islamic Scholarship Fund, a nonprofit organization providing scholarships to Muslim American community members. The campaign was launched on Indiegogo, with a campaign goal of $10,000. The funds will provide Muslim American filmmakers grants between $1,000 and $4,000 to champion their cause.

“We wanted to give people a way to directly support the American Muslim community,” said Michael Morgenstern, founder of the grant. “Anyone who believes that Muslims deserve a powerful voice today can give directly to people who want to tell their own stories.”

Why it’s important

In America today, there is an atmosphere of fear, Islamophobia, and misunderstanding. This project works to push back against the discourse that has demonized Muslims, leading to discriminatory practices and societal mistreatment, and celebrate the experience of being Muslim in America today.
“This grant seeks to fundamentally challenge existing depictions of Islam and Muslims by challenging the negative social constructions of our community that continue to be promoted and facilitated. We are at a crucial moment where the American Muslim story is more important than ever and this grant will make it possible for our story to be told by us and not about us,” said Somayeh Nikooei, Senior Director of Programs and Operations at the Islamic Scholarship Fund.

[youtube id=”UJZk4n-1qCg”]

For information on the grant and how to apply visit the AmericanMuslimStorytellers.com. You can find out more on the Indiegogo campaign here. Applications will be approved on a rolling basis, so we encourage people to apply early!

Deadline for applications and crowdfunding is Friday 24th February 2017

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