About 6% of India’s population is fully vaccinated, but due to the limitations in testing, the cases keep rising, and vaccines aren’t being administered at a fast enough rate. The health care system is severely overwhelmed.
About 6% of India’s population is fully vaccinated, but due to the limitations in testing, the cases keep rising, and vaccines aren’t being administered at a fast enough rate. The health care system is severely overwhelmed.
Almost 162 million people have gotten fully vaccinated in the United States. That’s about half the country. As lockdown restrictions start to ease, and bans begin to lift, countries such as India, however, are in fact seeing cases rise at an alarming rate.
In India, COVID has been so bad that it is now the epicenter of the pandemic, reporting about 4.1 million deaths, according to a July 20 NPR report. Within the past few days, it is reported that there are 42,015 new India COVID cases and 3,998 deaths.
Sadly, many researchers are saying the death count could be even more than the number that is being reported. The Wall Street Journal reports that when there was a surge in rising India Covid cases during April and May, hospitals were left with no choice but to turn away patients who later would have died in their own homes.
However, there are several reasons for the underreporting and miscalculations in numbers. Families kept quiet about their loved ones being infected from communities due to the fear of getting shunned. Hospitals and government officials felt pressure to underreport the actual death toll from COVID-19. Bodies being cremated but not reported also plays a factor in the miscounts.
The COVID-19 pandemic is now deemed to be one of the biggest health tragedies to hit the South Asian region.
About 6% of India’s population is fully vaccinated, but due to the limitations in testing, the cases keep rising, and vaccines aren’t being administered at a fast enough rate. The health care system is severely overwhelmed. When numbers aren’t reported accurately, how will the government and hospitals know how to make quicker, more efficient decisions in the event of future pandemics or diseases that may arise?
The delta variant and several other variants are now on the rise, and India’s health care system simply can’t take on more patients in its current state. It’s going to be extremely difficult for them to overcome these new variants when they are already having a hard time battling the original strain.
How Can You Help?
Zakat Foundation of America is a humanitarian organization based in Chicago that is a leader in finding ways to help people around the world immediately during emergencies. They are now partnering with Al Shifa Hospital in New Delhi to combat the India Covid crisis by building four COVID-19 Isolation Centers.
Each Isolation Center helps care for patients suffering from the deadly virus by providing a safe, clean facility where they can obtain FREE medical care. The isolation center will provide each patient with a hospital bed, medication, food, hygiene supplies, and, most importantly, they won’t be turned away from receiving care from certified doctors and nurses.

Visit here to learn more about Zakat Foundation of America’s India COVID Relief efforts and donate.
Any contribution can help make a huge impact for the innocent people suffering in India. Zakat Foundation of America has broken down amounts next to urgent needs on their website. Let’s stop more families from losing their loved ones to COVID-19 and help however much we can to make an impact that can save lives.