
Tory councillor stops Islamophobic attack on the tube in Camden Town

Cooper also retweeted a guide on how to intervene as a bystander in the case of an Islamophobic or racist attack in public, highlighting the need for more people to stay vigilant and socially aware during situations like the one he was in on Sunday.

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Cooper also retweeted a guide on how to intervene as a bystander in the case of an Islamophobic or racist attack in public, highlighting the need for more people to stay vigilant and socially aware during situations like the one he was in on Sunday.

In a series of tweets, Oliver Cooper, the Conservative councillor for Hampstead, explained how he intervened during an Islamophobic attack on the tube in London. The attacker was allegedly yelling abuse at two women wearing hijab, and began yelling abuse at Cooper when he stepped in to stop the attack.

The guy squared up to me and started spitting in my face that he’d ‘f*ck me up’. I eventually talked him into sitting down.”

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Cooper goes on to explain that he safely escorted the women off the tube, but in the adrenaline rush didn’t follow up with checking if they were feeling okay. Miraculously, one of the women that was subject to the abuse commented on his tweet, thanking him for his intervention.


Cooper also retweeted a guide on how to intervene as a bystander in the case of an Islamophobic or racist attack in public, highlighting the need for more people to stay vigilant and socially aware during situations like the one he was in on Sunday. Some steps include asking others around you if they know any additional information pertaining the incident, pretending to know the victim to enable them to get away, and checking in on them afterwards to ensure they are unharmed.

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Cooper, who leads the Camden conservative base as councillor for Hampstead, has been applauded for his intervention in stopping an escalating Islamophobic attack. However many have also questioned whether his party has been, in part, responsible for the rise in Islamophobia in the country. Mariam Hakim, a writer for TMV, commented on Cooper’s twitter, both thanking him for his efforts as well as reminding him of his responsibility towards the rise in Islamophobic attacks.

As Islamophobic attacks around the world continue to skyrocket, it becomes painfully aware that much of it is state sponsored as well as media-fueled. In our growing multi-cultural world, societies must come together, regardless of political divisions, to combat the growing right-wing extremism at the heart of much of the hate.

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