
New Documentary on Islamophobia: A Home ﺑَﻴﺖ

Parveen Ali, a photojournalist, was compelled to make this documentary to highlight the struggles and challenges some Muslim women, like herself, face when living alone.

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Parveen Ali, a photojournalist, was compelled to make this documentary to highlight the struggles and challenges some Muslim women, like herself, face when living alone.

A Home ﺑَﻴﺖ is a short documentary following a British Muslim woman who, for over two years, suffered harassment and Islamophobia on the estate where she lives. With no other option but to move away, she spent several months searching for suitable alternative accommodation for herself and her cat – which also brought with it many challenges. Lockdown made the process even more problematic, and her health was severely affected. The documentary details her struggles and is a particularly dark and emotional story. 

Parveen Ali, a photojournalist, was compelled to make this documentary to highlight the struggles and challenges some Muslim women, like herself, face when living alone. Previously, she covered the Refugee Crisis, Grenfell Tower, and her work has also been published in GQ, Huff Post, and The Evening Standard.

Parveen’s photographs have also been exhibited in Parliament, highlighting the effects of Islamophobia on mental health. You can see her work here at www.parveenali.com or follow her here @parveenaliphoto.

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Watch the full documentary below:

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