The US-led sanctions on Iran – continuing despite pleas from both human rights groups and activists within Iran – have damaged the economy and the supply of essential medical supplies in Iran during an already unprecedented time.
The US-led sanctions on Iran – continuing despite pleas from both human rights groups and activists within Iran – have damaged the economy and the supply of essential medical supplies in Iran during an already unprecedented time.
(Image: Rudaw News)
As Iran continues to battle against the growing number of Coronavirus cases, despite the ongoing tragedies there are also examples of hope and inspiration.
The Imamzadeh-Masum mosque, located south of the capital city of Tehran, has been turned into a makeshift factory where mostly women have gathered to help fight against the growing tide of COVID-19. All volunteers, those helping in the factory are sewing and producing face masks as well as producing rubber gloves to help supply sanitary protective gear in Iran.
The US-led sanctions on Iran – continuing despite pleas from both human rights groups and activists within Iran – have damaged the economy and the supply of essential medical supplies in Iran during an already unprecedented time. Without adequate supplies of sanitary goods, medical supplies, and hospital equipment, many are claiming that the US-led sanctions on Iran are playing a large part in the country’s struggles against COVID-19. Iran’s economy, already suffering under the sanctions, have also taken an enormous toll because of the lockdowns and quarantines imposed on the country because of the Coronavirus.
The US Must End Its Sanctions Against Iran During Coronavirus Pandemic
Despite the grim circumstances in Iran caused by COVID-19 as well as the US-led sanctions, many in Iran remain hopeful in faith as well as the strength of their community members. Fatemeh Saidi, one of the volunteers in the mosque, spoke to Press TV:
We came here to serve our compatriots. We’ve been working on this for more than a month…we distribute these products to hospitals and deprived areas in Tehran and several other cities.”
Iran has been one of the worst-hit countries from COVID-19. According to the World Health Organization, Iran has over 62,500 cases and almost 4,000 deaths. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Monday said in a press conference that Iran was suffering not only from the virus itself, but from the sanctions imposed on innocent civilians as well.
As many continue to call for a halt on the US-led sanctions on Iran, those within Iran continue to selflessly work together to help combat the spread of COVID-19. One of the women in the factory explained that religion played a large role in the spirit of Iranians coming together – many people in Iran are experiencing a renewed sense of dedication and faith even amidst the tragedies of the Coronavirus.
The woman explained that volunteering at the factory within the mosque was for one simple reason only: “making the heart of Imam Zaman happy”. Imam Zaman is another name for the Imam Mahdi, the current and last of the 12 holy Imams in Shia Islam as well as the savior and bringer of justice who will come near the Day of Judgement in both Sunni and Shia Islam.
As Iran continues to battle against COVID-19, it becomes imperative that citizens from around the world pressure their local politicians, community leaders, and human rights groups to vocally oppose the US-led sanctions on Iran – it remains a matter of life and death as Iran’s death toll from the virus continues to grow.