On Wednesday, following the gun attack on provocative French satirists by extremists, social media site Twitter erupted in usual fashion. However, something alarming unfolded as the hashtag #KillAllMuslims began trending, along with a tirade of 100s of Islamophobic tweets. Islam is often linked to such attacks by the media and Muslims are forced to denounces violence and terrorism.
The Muslim Vibe led a social media initiative, using the hashtag #JeSuisMuslim (which translates to ‘I am Muslim’). The idea was to take a stand against Islamophobia and the notion that Muslims needs to apologise, and was mentioned on the BBC.
Here is our selection of some of the best tweets:
#KillAllMuslims is the unofficial motto of the raging lunatics who terrorized Paris! Do something constructive instead and say #JeSuisMuslim
— Sayed M. Modarresi (@SayedModarresi) January 8, 2015
THEIR crime does not represent me, and the millions like me who are just trying to get on with our lives, peacefully. #JeSuisMuslim
— Sana (@SanzFatima) January 7, 2015
Please stop being blind and look at the root of terrorism – #Saudi.
If our nations hate terrorism – why support Saudi?#JeSuisMuslim
— Nouri Sardar (@NouriSardar) January 8, 2015