
9 Tips to Spend Eid in an Environmentally Friendly Way

Our activities leave an impression on the Earth. Let’s make sure that while we celebrate Eid, we are minimising any damage to our planet.

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Our activities leave an impression on the Earth. Let’s make sure that while we celebrate Eid, we are minimising any damage to our planet.

Eid is probably one of our favourite times of the year – a time to come together with family and friends and celebrate. But it’s also important to remember that we should do so in an environmentally friendly way. We have a moral and Islamic duty to look after the Earth and we should be as mindful as possible when going about our Eid celebrations. Here are 10 tips for celebrating Eid in an eco-friendly way!

Reduce Energy Consumption

One easy way to be more environmentally friendly is to reduce your energy consumption. During Eid, take some time to check for energy leaks in your home and make sure that all your appliances are turned off when not in use. You can also save energy by decorating with LED lights instead of traditional incandescent bulbs.

Reduce Food Wastage

Food wastage is a major problem for both developed and developing countries. In developed countries, most food waste occurs at the retail and consumer level, while in developing countries, most food waste occurs during production and post-harvest losses. There are a number of reasons why reducing food wastage is so important. First, it is a major contributor to climate change. Food waste decomposes and releases methane, a greenhouse gas that is far more potent than carbon dioxide. Additionally, The amount of land, water, and energy required to produce food that will ultimately be wasted are staggering. Buying food on a fasting stomach is always a challenge but let’s try and be logical about how much food we and our guests will need. It can be difficult to predict and it’s always embarrassing to run out of food so the inclination is to buy a little more. To combat this, why not arrange for goodie bags for guests to take home leftovers or give any remaining food to charity.

Minimise Wrapping Paper / Packaging

Every year, billions are spent on wrapping paper and packaging. This comes as no surprise, given the immense amount of gifts that are exchanged each year – with Muslims making a significant contribution to this! However, all of this paper and packaging ultimately end up in landfills, where it takes years to decompose. In addition, the production of wrapping paper and packaging also has a significant environmental impact. Trees must be cut down to provide the paper, and fossil fuels are required to power the factories that produce the packaging. By reducing the amount of wrapping paper and packaging you use, you can help to protect the environment. One way to do this is to reuse wrapping paper and gift bags. You can also opt for eco-friendly alternatives, such as recycled paper or reusable fabric bags. Every little bit makes a difference, so do your part to reduce waste on Eid. Another way to celebrate Eid in an eco-friendly way is to focus on waste reduction. Avoid using disposables wherever possible, and if you do use them, be sure to recycle or compost them afterwards. You can also make your own Eid decorations using recycled materials.

Choose Your Eid clothes Carefully

Most people have done it at least once: bought an item of clothing, worn it once worn it, and then kept it in the back of their closet indefinitely. While it might not seem like a big deal to purchase a shirt or dress that you only wear once, the effect of these habits can be significant on the environment. The farming, production, and transportation of clothes all require energy and resources. By buying clothes and never wearing them, you are contributing to pollution and waste. It’s okay to wear something you already own and if you do buy a dress, make sure it’s practical and is something you see yourself wearing more than once!

Shop Organic and Fairtrade Wherever Possible

These days, it’s easier than ever to find organically grown and fairtrade certified foods. And there are good reasons to seek out these items when you’re doing your shopping. First of all, organic foods are free of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, which can be harmful to both the environment and our health. Secondly, organic farming methods help to preserve the fertility of the soil, reducing the need for artificial inputs. And finally, organic foods often taste better than their conventionally grown counterparts. As for fairtrade items, they are produced under conditions that ensure a fair price for farmers and workers. In addition, fairtrade certified products often come from small-scale producers who are more likely to use environmentally sustainable practices. So next time you’re at the store, remember to look for these labels – your body and the planet will thank you!

Go As Plastic Free As Possible

Many people are aware of the growing problem of plastic pollution, but few realise the full extent of the damage that plastic can cause. Plastic is made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource that takes hundreds of years to break down. Every year, billions of tons of plastic are produced, and much of it ends up in landfills or the ocean. There, it poses a threat to wildlife, as animals can mistake plastic for food and become entangled in it. Additionally, plastic pollution can contaminate the soil and water, harming plant life and causing long-term damage to the environment. By making small changes in our everyday lives, we can help to reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills and oceans. For example, we can choose to bring reusable bags to the grocery store instead of using plastic bags, and we can avoid purchasing products that come packaged in unnecessary plastic.

Limit Traffic Pollution

Traffic pollution is one of the leading causes of air pollution, and it can have a negative impact on both human health and the environment. exposure to traffic pollution can cause a variety of respiratory problems, including asthma, bronchitis, and even lung cancer. In addition, traffic pollution can contribute to the formation of smog, which can lead to eye irritation and difficulty breathing. By limiting traffic pollution, we can help to improve air quality and protect our health.

There are a few things we can do to reduce traffic pollution. One is to use public transportation instead of driving whenever possible. Another is to carpool or ride a bike instead of driving. And, if you must drive, try to avoid congested areas and obey the speed limit to reduce emissions. By taking these simple steps, we can all help to reduce traffic pollution and improve air quality.

Be Efficient With Water Use

Water is one of the most important resources on earth. Not only do we need it to survive, but it is also essential for maintaining a healthy environment. Unfortunately, we take water for granted and use it inefficiently. For example, we spend too long in the shower for ghusl or leave the tap running excessively during wudhu. While these may seem like small actions, they can have a big impact on the environment. In some parts of the world, freshwater is scarce, so it is especially important to be efficient with water use.

Go Vegetarian

This is a tough one!

The raising of livestock requires enormous amounts of land, water, and other resources. It also generates a significant amount of pollution. By choosing to eat meat less frequently, we can help reduce its impact on the planet.

Let’s make sure that this year, we celebrate Eid in the most environmentally friendly way possible by following these simple tips to leave behind a minimal impact on the planet!

