A Tale of Two Countries: While Germany still criminalizes the hijab, Sweden embraces itTimo Al-Farooq|18th January 2020
A review of the new Netflix series Messiah, and its US-washing of world politicsReza John Vedadi|4th January 2020
In liberal Germany, concerned citizenry is simply code for mainstream IslamophobiaTimo Al-Farooq|18th December 2019
Indian authorities continue to use force on protesters against the ‘anti-Muslim’ citizenship billTMV Team|16th December 2019
India’s Parliament approves controversial citizenship bill that excludes MuslimsTMV Team|12th December 2019
The need for a new deal in Western societies: How to understand and embrace MuslimsChristos Loutradis|2nd December 2019
Heavily pregnant Muslim woman assaulted during Islamophobic attack in AustraliaRukshana Choudhury|25th November 2019
More than 10,000 march in Paris against the rise of Islamophobia in FranceTMV Team|12th November 2019