With the rise of the Islamic fashion industry across the globe, Verona Collection is eager to announce the store’s Grand Opening on Saturday, May 14, 2016 at 12:30 PM at the Fashion Square Mall in Florida, USA. Verona Collection is proud to be making groundbreaking history, as it will be the first ever Islamic Wear Store to open in a mainstream mall in Florida, and one of the first in the country’s entirety.
The 2014-15 Thomson Reuters State of the Global Islamic Economy Report forecasts that expenditure on Muslim clothing will reach $488 billion by 2019. There is no question- that indeed the Islamic fashion industry is booming. This fashion avenue is not exclusive to only Muslims, moreover it is available to those who choose to dress modestly or for those who just have an itch for this style!
Since launching just under two years ago, Verona Collection has established itself as one of the most sought-out modest fashion brands for women. Having served thousands of customers, their classic designs maintain elegance, while remaining affordable. Their lines extend across cardigans, long tops, headscarves, activewear and are soon to release their own take on a burkini. They are based in the UK & US, and offer free delivery options to multiple countries.

Verona Collection has been featured by leading fashion bloggers and magazines, including Refinery29, International Business Times, Aquila Style and bloggers including Hijab Hills, Lifelongpercussion and many more.
Rasha Mubarak who is a PR representative of Verona Collection told us about what this landmark occasion means for them: “It goes beyond the unique prints and the intricate materials; moreover Verona Collection’s success is ultimately advocating inclusivity, tolerance, and being part of this nation’s fabric – no pun intended! With the heightened rhetoric of Islamophobia, we hope to be an agent of change – dispelling stereotypes, micro aggressive activity, and misconceptions.”
“Unfortunately many Hijab wearing women have been at the forefront of this bigotry. In fact there have been 84 hate incidents reported across the United State of America since November of 2015. The fashion industry is a potential tool to vanquish such a climate.”
Lisa Vogl, the founder and director of Verona Collection had the following to say: “In the midst of Islamaphobia and the recent rhetoric towards Muslims, I’m proud to run a Western Islamic fashion company. To see it grow and become more mainstream, I find relief in that it is helping bring a humanizing clarity to Muslim women. I am both a proud American and a proud Muslim. My choice to wear the hijab is a symbol of what freedom really means, and Verona shoppers value this, Muslim or not. And that is what underlines the true American attitude.”
Verona Collection also has an online store and ships internationally at affordable prices. They offer free UK & US free delivery options on a minimum purchase. Check out their collection here: http://www.verona-
This was a sponsored post by Verona Collection