
Healthy Ramadan Recipe Makeovers: A hearty English fry-up

A healthy take on a British classic!

A healthy take on a British classic!

In this series, I will be sharing healthier alternatives to well-loved meals to share with your family and friends this Ramadan.

In England, as well as Canada and America, eggs, sausage and toast are a popular way to start the day. It is not a bad breakfast and is rich in protein and fats that can help you keep full longer and provide the brain and body with very important nutrients. The problems begin when the proteins become damaged because of over cooking, the oil becomes rancid because of heat or it is not the correct oil to fry with and when the bread is white. Additional problems arise when the meat and eggs are non-organic because they are full of hormones and anti-bionics.Today many butchers offer meat that may not be organic, but do not have hormones or antibiotics in them, so make sure you ask. The commercially available sausage is also full of chemicals like nitrate salt, used as a preservative. Sausage can be prepared at home quite easily and then stored in the freezer. There are omega-3 eggs available and should be substituted for other types of eggs. When you fry them (in butter or coconut oil), do not overcook or you kill all the healthy proteins and oils. The best way to eat eggs is sunny side up or “soft” boiled. As for the toast,

Today many butchers offer meat that may not be organic, but do not have hormones or antibiotics in them, so make sure you ask. The commercially available sausage is also full of chemicals like nitrate salt, used as a preservative. Sausage can be prepared at home quite easily and then stored in the freezer. There are omega-3 eggs available and should be substituted for other types of eggs. When you fry them (in butter or coconut oil), do not overcook or you kill all the healthy proteins and oils. The best way to eat eggs is sunny side up or “soft” boiled. As for the toast, choose whole grain bread. Another variation adds in beans, but that is a bit overkill. Some people do not do well with a high protein diet and it is not good to eat the same thing three times a week or more.


For the sage sausage
  • 2-3 lbs ground chicken
  • 2 tablespoons dry sage
  • 1 tablespoon  of dry thyme
  • A large piece of an onion
  • 1-2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • Salt


In a frying pan heat the oil. Add in onion and sauté for 10 minutes to infuse the oil with its flavour. Remove the onion from the oil.

In a large bowl, place chicken and herbs in the bowl and pour the oil in. Mix well. Roll one into a ball, flatten and fry one in the same pan to check flavour. Once you reach the flavour that you like, divide the mixture in two. Roll one of the balls out into a log and wrap in parchment. Wrap the parchment in two layers of plastic wrap and place in the freezer.

When you would like to use it, pull it out, remove the plastic and slice into rounds with a sharp knife. The other batches, roll into balls, flatten and fry in coconut oil.

In the next installment, we will be making a delicious Maklubah. Until then!

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