
Check out Muzbnb, a hospitality service specifically designed for Muslims!

Muzbnb was born out of a desire to create something innovative to serve the community.

Muzbnb was born out of a desire to create something innovative to serve the community.

We’ve all had that dilemma when travelling in the past, where we want to book a nice place to stay but worry about the place being ‘Muslim friendly.’ Luckily, a group of people decided to make this a worry of the past with the new Muzbnb; this group was not only looking to encourage travel and adventure within the global Muslim community but to also build a community where Muslims could feel totally comfortable and accepted while travelling and lodging.

So what is Muzbnb?

Muzbnb was born out of a desire to create something innovative to serve the community.

It is a faith-based homestay network started by a group of entrepreneurs in Washington, D.C. These are trying times for Muslims in the US and abroad and this company can serve as a beacon of light and hope that we (Muslims) are still here, still creating, still thinking about the sanctity of faith – not just ours, but faith in general.

We’ve heard stories from many Muslim brothers and sisters of discrimination and difficulty they have faced when travelling. We hope Muzbnb can help alleviate some of those issues when travelling. The goal is simple: to encourage travel, adventure, and the building of a global community where Muslims feel comfortable and accepted while travelling. Muzbnb allows Muslims the ability to host and book homes that are accommodating to their Islamic needs for leisure or business travel anywhere in the world.

What kind of things will the platform offer?

Muslims have particular things to consider when travelling, like:

  • Where to offer prayer
  • Where to find Halal food
  • Finding religiously acceptable events/activities, and finally
  • Locating Muslim friendly lodging

This platform is something that we hope will alleviate the undue discrimination Muslims have faced when travelling, and also allow Muslims to travel and explore freely.

We will have search filters that highlight homes that are:

  • Close to Mosques or eateries
  • Stocked with Qurans or Islamic literature
  • Equipped with dedicated prayer spaces
  • Alcohol-free and drug-free
  • Safe for women travelling alone
  • Child-friendly, and much more

We want Muslims to feel comfortable and accepted while travelling. Guests can also expect to experience a non-Islamophobic stay — feeling completely welcome from check-in to check-out!

It is available for everyone, not just Muslims

On that same note, Muzbnb isn’t just limited to Muslims. Our platform is open to being used by all those who support the Islamic values of hosts and travellers. Unfortunately, we live in a time where Muslims are under extra scrutiny. This is why there is a need to create safe spaces globally for Muslims.

The goal is to encourage travel, adventure, and the building of a global community where Muslims feel comfortable and accepted while travelling. I want to be a part of creating a global movement centred around the experiences and culture of the diverse community we represent. We truly believe that this can be a sanctuary for all faiths to be welcomed as they explore and travel the world.

by Hadi Shakur

Visit https://www.muzbnb.com for more information!

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