
The First Quranic Translation in Andhra Pradesh and Its Impact

In Andhra Pradesh, a predominantly Telugu-speaking state in India, a unique initiative – Divya Quran Sandesham by Abdul-Raheem Mohammed Moulana – is bridging the gap between Muslims and the Holy Quran.

In Andhra Pradesh, a predominantly Telugu-speaking state in India, a unique initiative – Divya Quran Sandesham by Abdul-Raheem Mohammed Moulana – is bridging the gap between Muslims and the Holy Quran.

The Holy Quran, revered as a divine revelation and beacon of guidance for humanity, transcends mere textual boundaries. Its teachings, encompassing social, ethical, and spiritual dimensions, hold immense potential to positively impact individuals and communities. 

However, accessing and comprehending these profound messages can pose a challenge for  those unfamiliar with Arabic, the language of the Quran’s original script. This is particularly  relevant in regional contexts like Andhra Pradesh, where Telugu reigns as the lingua franca for  both Muslim and non-Muslim populations.

Recognizing this linguistic barrier, scholars have undertaken translations and interpretations of the Quran into myriad languages. Nevertheless, a gap persisted within Andhra Pradesh, limiting the accessibility of the Quran’s wisdom to Telugu-speaking individuals. This research delves into the groundbreaking accomplishment of Abdul Raheen’s 2010 Telugu translation and interpretation of the Quran, “Divya Quran  Sandesham,” and its subsequent impact on the regional society. 

Importance of the Quran

The Quran is the holy and spiritual book of Islam and guide for not only 1.8 billion Muslims but also for humankind living across the world and speaking many languages. The Holy Quran is the  miracle of Prophet Muhammad. It is the unchanging word of Allah. It has remained intact for more than 14 centuries. It is the finest piece of literary Arabic text which has been and will always be protected by Allah from distortion and alteration.

Muslims learn to read and recite the Quran in Arabic, even if Arabic is not their native language and they aren’t able to communicate in Arabic. When they pray, they have to pray in Arabic and recite some Surahs in Arabic. Likewise they translated and interpreted the Qur’an, so that people might easily understand it in their own language. 

Globally, the Quran is recognized as a book where its essence exceeds human thoughts. In fact,  the Quran is guide by (social, financial, family, marriage, divorce, raising children, inheritance,  government, buying and selling, debt, eating; dress code etc.); basic beliefs of Islam such as the existence of Allah and the Day of Judgment; ethical and legal issues; general rules and  guidelines regarding right and wrong; narratives of the early prophets and historical events that  took place during the Prophet’s times; in addition to verses referring to natural phenomena. 

Quranic Message to Mankind

Because of their differences in intelligence, humans and animals have different natures. As a  result, humans are sometimes led in the wrong direction and sometimes directed in the right  direction. They will occasionally triumph and occasionally lose; sometimes they will be joyful  and occasionally, they will be depressed.

What then do people want to do if they wish to live a moral life? For this reason, Allah, the creator of humanity, created us within an amazing  structure. 

 A human will undoubtedly succeed if he follows this strategy. Thus, Allah sent numerous  prophets to alert us that we had a system in place. 

Whenever a prophet is sent by Allah, the prophet will then deliver his messages to humanity. Once that community and the message are ended, that is when it will happen. After that, Allah will send another prophet, just as He has sent prophets in every period totaling about one lakh twenty-five thousand. Allah then began to send them with holy books. As we can see, before these books there were only Sahifas (little booklets from Allah).

The first book of Allah was given to Musa (peace be upon him), then Davood (peace be upon him), and finally Isa (peace be upon him). Thus, Allah began to lead humanity via His writings. People changed and  modified this system and guide to suit their preferences. Thus, Allah revealed the Quran, the  flawless and everlasting book, to our last prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). 

As we previously stated, the Quran contains information on every aspect of human existence that is required, including social, financial, family, marriage, divorce, child rearing, inheritance, government, purchasing and selling, debt, eating, and dress codes. Every word in the Quran provides advice; it contains numerous proverbial examples, an incident with many examples and benefits, and around one hundred and fifty morals precepts for humanity in each Ayat.

Thus, the Quran repeatedly states in every Surah, “Will you not use your intellect?” And they don’t seem to reflect? Allah stated in another place, “Then do they not look at the camels and how they are created?” 

Allah is motivating humanity in the Quran with these proverbs and passages. Thus, why is Allah encouraging us to follow the advice provided by the revealed Quran, which is essential for us to walk in the correct way? 

Relevance of Quranic Translation and Interpretation

In the early days of Islam, confined to the Arabian peninsula, the need for Quranic translation  was minimal. Knowledge of Arabic sufficed for comprehension and instruction.

However, as Islam transcended geographical boundaries, the challenges of linguistic diversity emerged. Teaching Arabic to every Muslim proved impractical, and misinterpretations arise among non-Arabic speakers. This necessitated the translation and interpretation of the Quran, albeit not without trepidation.

Some scholars feared misrepresenting the divine text, its nuanced language, and its cultural context. Nevertheless, the need for accessibility prevailed, leading to meticulous work by translators adept in both Arabic and the target language. Their aim was to convey its essence, idioms, and proverbs accurately.

While concerns around fidelity remain, the Quran has now been translated into 114 languages, fostering understanding and connection across diverse populations.

Need of Quranic translation and interpretation in regional languages, especially in Telugu

The holy Quran’s translation is very crucial it is necessary depth of knowledge in many subjects  suchlike Swarf, Nahv, Ma’ani, Bayaan, Badee’e, Adab, Lugat, Philosophy, Math, Geography, Fiqh, Tafseer, Ilmul kalam, Geometry, History, Tasawwuf, Hadith and Usuul including the fact that the translator must read the previous translations of Quran to prevent wrong meanings, which will become adopt new Firqas and becoming changing religion from Islam, in their translations. 

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The main need of the Quranic translation is to prevent people from being misguided from  atheists and misleading things from Islam. In this era there are Quranic translations which have  misled people and through that misleading now Muslims are divided into a lot of Firqas.

The Quran has a lot of deep knowledge and that knowledge will be provided through the translations and interpretation like about science and new inventions. The translations provide guidance on what to do and what not to do, and we need to recite the Quran while understanding the meaning of verses can be affected by that. 

There are more translations in international languages but scholars give some low attention in  regional areas. We can see more translations in English, Spanish, French, Farsi and Urdu but it becomes less so in languages like in Telugu. 

Andhra Pradesh, a south Indian state boasting a diverse population of 84.6 million, holds within  its borders a unique religious landscape. While Telugu serves as the common tongue for both  Muslims and non-Muslims, similar to Kerala, a fascinating linguistic trend emerges – 40% of  the state’s Muslim population primarily utilizes Urdu for spoken communication, though not for written expression. This linguistic tapestry reflects the historical and cultural influences that  have shaped the region. 

Further enriching Andhra Pradesh’s spiritual panorama is the abundance of temples and  historical sites of Hindu significance. However, a concerning observation arises regarding the  awareness of Islamic teachings among the state’s Muslim community. Many, particularly those  belonging to the “Dudekulu” group – converts from other religions – seem to lack a deep  understanding of their faith. While some scholars have begun addressing this knowledge gap,  their efforts haven’t fully permeated the community. 

A significant milestone was reached in 2010 with Moulana Abdul Raheem’s translation of the  Quran, titled “Divya Quran Sandesham.” This original Telugu translation provided a crucial bridge for Telugu-speaking Muslims, granting them direct access to the sacred text in their native tongue. This initiative exemplifies the ongoing attempts to bridge the knowledge gap and deepen understanding within the Muslim community of Andhra Pradesh. Telugu language also does not contain some letters which the Arabic language contains.

So, the people were reciting the Quran like that because they didn’t know the Arabic language  and they didn’t have any translation of the Quran. However now its impact is profitable in Andhra Pradesh. 

Understanding the Quran in Andhra Pradesh: The Impact of Divya Quran Sandesham 

In Andhra Pradesh, a predominantly Telugu-speaking state in India, a unique initiative – Divya Quran Sandesham by Abdul-Raheem Mohammed Moulana – is bridging the gap between Muslims and the Holy Quran. Translated into Telugu, the book and its accompanying audio recordings are making the Quran accessible for both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. 

Prior to this, many Muslims in Andhra Pradesh struggled to recite and comprehend the Quran in its original Arabic. Divya Quran Sandesham’s simple, clear Telugu translation has empowered them to not only recite the verses but also grasp their deeper meaning. This enhanced understanding fosters a stronger connection with the Quran, enriching their religious lives and practices. 

Beyond individual benefit, the project fosters wider societal understanding. The book’s availability in Telugu makes the Quran accessible to non-Muslims as well, potentially dispelling misconceptions and promoting interfaith dialogue. Additionally, the mp3 recordings, playing daily on a local TV channel, further amplify the Quran’s message and presence in the public sphere. It is the way to introduce Islam with new Muslims through a website also. 

The project’s success speaks volumes. With over 2 lakh copies sold, Divya Quran Sandesham  has demonstrably resonated with the Telugu-speaking population. Moreover, its ability to  address negative perceptions of the Quran, if any, by providing context and clarity, contributes  to a more informed and harmonious social environment. 

As a result, Divya Quran Sandesham’s impact extends beyond religious practice. It serves as a bridge between individuals and the Quran, between Muslims and non-Muslims, and between scripture and society.

By providing access and understanding, the initiative fosters deeper spirituality, interfaith dialogue, and a more inclusive social fabric in Andhra Pradesh. 


The translation and interpretation of the Quran has played a significant role in Andhra Pradesh, particularly through the pioneering work of Abdul-Raheem Mohammed Moulana’s “Divya Quran Sandesham”.

Prior to this translation, many Telugu-speaking Muslims faced challenges in accessing and understanding the Quran’s message due to the language barrier. “Divya Quran Sandesham” addressed this gap by providing a clear and accessible Telugu translation, empowering individuals to not only recite the verses but also grasp their deeper meaning. This enhanced understanding has enriched the religious lives of Muslims in Andhra Pradesh, fostering a stronger connection with the Quran and their faith. 

The project’s impact extends beyond the individual level. By making the Quran accessible in Telugu, “Divya Quran Sandesham” has opened doors for interfaith dialogue and understanding. Non-Muslims now have the opportunity to engage with the Quran directly, potentially dispelling misconceptions and promoting a more harmonious social environment. The project’s mp3 recordings further amplify the Quran’s message and presence in the public sphere, contributing to a broader awareness and appreciation of Islamic teachings. 

The success of “Divya Quran Sandesham” lies in its ability to bridge multiple divides. It serves  as a bridge between individuals and the Quran, making the sacred text personally meaningful and accessible. It acts as a bridge between Muslims and non-Muslims, fostering understanding and dialogue across religious communities. Finally, it bridges the gap between scripture and society, allowing the Quran’s message to resonate within the broader social fabric of Andhra  Pradesh.

By providing access, understanding, and a platform for engagement, “Divya Quran Sandesham” has made a lasting contribution to the religious landscape of the state, promoting individual spirituality, interfaith dialogue, and a more inclusive and harmonious society. 

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