Donating towards constructing a mosque, school, hospital and even an orphanage is Sadaqah Jariyah because the blessings are endless.
Donating towards constructing a mosque, school, hospital and even an orphanage is Sadaqah Jariyah because the blessings are endless.
In Arabic, Sadaqah Jariyah translates as flowing charity. It’s often known as the charity that gives on giving because the phrase “ever-flowing charity” reflects this specific charity’s ability to reach the recipient and giver after the donor’s death.
There are several ways you can fulfill your Sadaqah Jariyah needs. Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace, gives examples of this:
“Of the good works whose benefit flows to a believer after death is knowledge one taught and promulgated, a righteous child who lived after one, a copy of the Quran that one left as inheritance, a mosque one built, a house one built for the two kinds of wayfarers [travelers and the displaced], a stream one ran [that is, dug or directed for others to benefit from], a charity given from one’s wealth while healthy in life such that it will reach one [in reward] after death,” meaning the charity is given with that intent and not for the sake of one’s cure from illness (Ibn Majah).
Taking Care of Orphans Is Sadaqah Jariyah
Sponsoring an orphan’s care is a type of Sadaqah Jariyah. There are almost 153 million orphans in the world that need support and love. They have either lost one or both their parents in wars, illness, and even natural disasters.
The Quran mentions the word orphan nearly 25 times, that is why helping an orphan is considered one of the highest forms of charitable giving in Islam.
Zakat Foundation of America, a humanitarian organization that is based in Chicago is reimagining their orphan program. They have already helped over 630,000 vulnerable children and have high hopes of helping more.

Giving Fresh, Clean Water Is Sadaqah Jariyah
Donating money towards building a water well or water pump is also a great way to fulfill your Sadaqah Jariyah needs. Water is essential and many of us who are grateful don’t ever have to think about having access to clean, and safe water.
In Islam, digging a water well is part of our tradition. Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace, was asked, “Which charity is best?” He replied, “[Providing] water.”
More than 300,000 children under 5 years old die from diseases due to unsafe drinking water, rural communities are known to get hit the hardest. When you donate a water well or water pump you help save the lives of so many.

Mosque/School/Hospital Construction
Donating towards constructing a mosque, school, hospital and even an orphanage is Sadaqah Jariyah because the blessings are endless.
A child who is left orphaned, having a roof over their head, and a place where they can get treatment easily is an incredibly rewarding feeling. A mosque or school can bless a community for generations to come.
Are you ready to invest in everflowing charity?
Zakat Foundation of America has been helping serve humanity for over 20 years. They make it easy to give to any form of Sadaqah Jariyah you are interested in.
If you wish to work on something extra special such as constructing a mosque or school, there is a section for signature projects. May God reward you for your charitable giving.