It is up to us to make sure our Palestinian brothers and sisters are cared for through quality Palestine charity organizations.
It is up to us to make sure our Palestinian brothers and sisters are cared for through quality Palestine charity organizations.
For over 2 million Palestinians living in Gaza and other occupied territories, daily life involves a struggle against Israeli government-imposed restrictions, racial profiling, and the shrinking availability of resources like food and water.
Giving humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people is more crucial than ever, and finding a quality Palestine charity to donate to is critical to ensuring they receive the help they need.
Read on to learn more about the situation in Palestine and how you find a trustworthy Palestine charity organization to give your donation to.
Palestine’s Ongoing Occupation
For over 70 years, the people of Palestine have faced a brutal occupation with no end in sight.
- 97% of Gaza’s water is unfit for human drinking, and over 1.3 million people in Gaza do not have access to safe drinking water or sanitation facilities.
- 47% of the households in Gaza suffer moderate to severe food insecurity, meaning they have poor nutrition, unreliable sources of food or often miss meals.
- 49% of Gaza’s population is unemployed and over 1.1 million people in Gaza (56%) live on 1.90 USD per day or less.
As the people of Palestine face these and other challenges posed by the current regime, providing swift humanitarian relief becomes crucial to their survival. It is up to us to make sure our Palestinian brothers and sisters are cared for through quality Palestine charity organizations.
Criteria for a Trustworthy Palestine Charity
When it comes to selecting a quality Palestine charity to donate to, certain criteria must be met.
In general, any trustworthy charity organization should:
- Have a clear track record of service in the community/communities they serve
- Provide transparent, audited financial records
- Maximize the effect of its charitable collections through minimizing expenses and partnering with organizations with similar goals.
Additionally, Palestine charity organizations should:
- Show clear evidence of project work in the occupied Palestinian territories
- Maintain active partnerships with reputable organizations in Palestine
- Have an active online presence showcasing work in Palestine on their digital channels including websites, social media and email lists
Keeping these criteria in mind is key to ensuring your donation actually reaches the people of Palestine and gets them the aid they need.
Our Work and Partners in Palestine
For over 20 years, we at Zakat Foundation of America have shown an unyielding commitment to supporting the Palestinian people, both in Gaza and the West Bank.
We continually provide frontline emergency aid, orphan sponsorship, education initiatives, health care, food aid and more thanks to the generosity of our donors and the hard work of our staff and volunteers.
Our most notable partners on the ground in Palestine are:
- The Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF), with whom we have provided food for 1,000 Palestinian families per week during the month of May 2021 as well as therapeutic sessions and medicine for Palestinian youth suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA), with whom we have delivered over $1.4 million dollars worth of medicine to Gaza, conducted health education sessions at over 52 preschools and are working to build, equip, and seed 48 greenhouses over the next three years to feed food-insecure families in Gaza year-round.
We are proud to be your trusted source of charity for Palestine and will continue to strengthen our commitment to the well-being of the Palestinian people.