CharityMiddle East

Winter Through the Eyes of a Palestinian Father

“You brought happiness and warmth to my kids.”

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“You brought happiness and warmth to my kids.”

A lot of people don’t like winter. It’s cold, it’s dark, and it goes on for way too long. But for the world’s poorest people, winter can become a battle for survival. The World Bank estimates that 783 million people live in poverty around the world, and during the winter, access to food often becomes scarcer, and many just can’t afford warm clothes or proper shelter.

“You brought happiness and warmth to my kids.”

                 Fayiz Abu Obaid, Palestine. One of Fayiz’s sons is pictured in the featured image.

Penny Appeal are on the ground now in Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Bangladesh, Turkey, Lebanon and Pakistan – as well as right here in the UK – providing life-saving food, warm clothes, heating and shelter.

We’ve met so many amazingly strong, resourceful people in these countries, who are battling against all odds to keep themselves and their families warm and safe this winter. These are their stories…

Fayiz Abu Obaid – Father of 3, Palestine

When we met Fayiz, he was living in the South of Gaza, in a run-down house with his family of five. The first thing that you notice when walking into his home, is that the roof is cracked in several places; Fayiz tells us this is due to the bombings of the last few assaults on Gaza.

Fayiz graduated in journalism over 10 years ago, but he hasn’t been able to get a job in his field since his graduation. There just aren’t opportunities like that in Gaza today. When he can, Fayiz works as a construction worker, earning just £5.50 a day. Fayiz tries every day, but there hasn’t been any work for the last few months.

We were able to provide Fayiz and his family with warm clothes and enough food to last them a month.

Fayiz said “You brought happiness and warmth to my kids. Your assistance came at the right time. My wife and I did not know how we would be able to purchase warm clothes for our children this winter”.  

The unemployment rate in Gaza is currently at 44%, according to the World Bank.

In such a time of crisis, we need to help people like Fayiz this winter.

Give just £50 to help feed a Palestinian family for a whole month.

Ahmad – 7-Year-Old Syrian Child


During one of our rapid emergency response programs for Syrian refugees, we met 7-year-old Ahmad. He was born in Aleppo but a couple of years ago, Ahmad and his family fled to Kilis, Turkey.  

Due to lack of access to medical assistance and food, little Ahmad had been suffering from a serious illness for over three months. Ahmad’s condition was getting worse and worse, without medical attention.

We gave Ahmad and his family emergency food and medical assistance.

More people die during the winter months than any other time of year. Refugees, children and the elderly are some of the most vulnerable people in the world.

Donate now and help Syrian refugees like little Ahmad.  

Rashida Begum – Mother of 4, Pakistan

One of the people we met during last year’s winter emergency was Rashida Begum.

Rashida and her family live together in just one room. Her husband is disabled and they have 4 children. Rashida and her family face terrible cold every winter because they don’t have warm clothes, blankets or enough food.

Every winter, they burn wood all night and the whole family lie on the mud floor in front of the fire, taking turns to wake up and keep the fire going.

When we gave Rashida and her family an emergency winter kit of food, blankets and warm clothes, her eyes lit up, and she said, “I thought that there was no one in this world to help us but you are going to help me and my family […] May Allah bless all those who remember the poor like us.”

You can help people like Rashida survive the winter for as little as £30.

Winter looks very different to a mother trying to keep her family alive in extreme poverty in Pakistan. Winter feels different to the little refugee boy, living in a temporary shelter and battling disease in Turkey. Winter is completely different for a father who just can’t find work to support his family in Gaza.

Do something amazing; help us transform lives for the better this winter.

