
#ThankYouMother: A campaign to appreciate everything our mothers do

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Thank you mother for waking up in the middle of the night when I was crying.

Thank you mother for reading me stories before bedtime.

Thank you mother for putting up with this moody teenager.

Thank you mother for teaching me how to do a million things at once.

Thank you mother for giving me the best start in life.

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muslim mother parent islam ukWe all have so much to thank our mothers for. They were the first ones to look after us. They taught us how to do everything in life; from how to eat and dress ourselves, to how to be decent human beings and care for other people. Without our mothers, we would not be the people we are today.
Al-Mizan Charitable Trust is delighted to launch the #ThankYouMother campaign to appreciate everything that our mothers have done for us, as part of our fundraising appeal for Mother & Baby Kits.
Watch this short video and join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and tell us what you want to thank your mother for using #ThankYouMother.
You can also thank your mother by sponsoring a Mother & Baby Kit here, to provide a new mother living in poverty in the UK with essential baby items, so that she can give her baby the best start in life.
We will be packing our Mother & Baby Kits on Sunday 15 March between 1pm and 4pm at Harrow Central Mosque. To register or for more information, click here.
With special thanks to Murtaza Abidi for shooting and editing this short film and Zayne Dandridge for providing the narration.


Georgina’s Story

Our Mother & Baby Kits are distributed to new mothers like Georgina, who is a recovering drug user and made a decision to come off drugs when she found out she was pregnant. Georgina had previously had her daughter taken away from her by social services four years ago, and she does not want this to happen again, so she is being supported by the local drug rehabilitation centre and has made real progress.
When Georgina was using drugs, she would sleep on her friends’ sofas and never had a permanent address. She has since been provided with a council flat, but social services have asked her to make sure the flat is furnished for the baby’s arrival. Georgina has found it difficult to get everything ready and is very worried that her new baby will be taken away by social services again.
The Trust provided Georgina with a Mother & Baby Kit, which contained some essential baby items, to help relieve some of the financial difficulties she was facing in preparing for her new baby.

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