
“I’m Pregnant!” Is This The End Of My Life and Career?

A fascinating and personal insight into the journey that is pregnancy and motherhood. A must-read for new mums and mums-to-be!

A fascinating and personal insight into the journey that is pregnancy and motherhood. A must-read for new mums and mums-to-be!

Iā€™m writing this for mothers-to-be, and new mothers like me, who doubt they can have it all. Iā€™m writing this to young and ambitious women who are scared about the future.

Trust the process.

At 25 years old, I was progressing steadily in my career. Iā€™m a broadcast journalist, I wear a hijab, and Iā€™m a first-generation Australian from Afghan refugee parents. There are few people like me on Australian news. I have moved cities and towns twice and won a few awards along the way. Iā€™m chasing the big dream ā€“ to work as a foreign correspondent for a national program.

Last year my life changed dramatically.

I decided to move back to my home city because my grandmother was ill. I reassured myself I had 30 to 40 years of a career ahead of me, ā€œI can come back to that at any time,ā€ I told myself. But I canā€™t get time back with my grandmother. My grandmother made slow improvements in her health, and I was considering making a move to a bigger city to get a bigger and better gig.

I felt those plans come to burn to the ground when I found out ā€“ I was pregnant.

I was straight-up petrified. I had always imagined having a baby in my thirties, I would have achieved my goals, and it would be a happy and blissful time.

In this case, instead of getting my husband to open a pregnancy test and saying ā€œsurprise!ā€, I was sitting in my make-shift home office, balling my eyes out.

ā€œYouā€™re pregnant? my husband stated what we already feared. I couldnā€™t even answer or look at him. ā€œItā€™s going to be ok,ā€ he said.

I didnā€™t and couldnā€™t believe him. I was on a temporary contract to work in my home town, I was meant to find more permanent work, but now I didnā€™t even know if I was eligible for maternity leave. We were building a house, we needed a steady income. And what about my hopes and dreams? What does this mean for my career? Had I just blown everything?

It took me many weeks to come to terms with what had just happened.

While this baby was growing inside me, I was tormented with feelings of anxiety about the future, regret about moving and most of all ā€“ guilt for not feeling differently about this pregnancy. I kept imagining someone telling my child they were a mistake or accident in the future. Through all the stress, I found comfort and reassurance in my own mother who said, ā€œAllah is the Providerā€, it will be ok.

Reflecting on my journey, my daughter is now six months old, I am incredibly humbled at how everything has come together. Before the baby, I was so engrossed in my career and work I felt disconnected spiritually. Having a baby is such a miraculous event. There are no words to describe it but say SubhanAllah.

This was actually the turning point I needed. There were so many changes I went through as the mother, things happening without me needing to think, learn or process ā€“ like birth, my body just took over and knew what to do. Itā€™s the same for babies, they are programmed to know and do basic things to survive ā€“ like how to suckle, how to find the breast and recognize the smell of their motherā€™s milk.

You see a whole different side, a primal side, to being a human being and are truly astounded by the wisdom and power of Allah (SWT).In a strange but amazing way, the turn of events and timing actually worked out for the better.

If I hadnā€™t moved back home, I would be in a different city with a newborn and no support. Through being a mother, I have learnt so much about myself, patience, gratitude and slowing down to enjoy the moment.

All these lessons I really needed after years of being focused on what I could achieve next for my career. Iā€™m coming to the end of my maternity leave and have got a few job offers.

While itā€™s a simple story, itā€™s one thatā€™s taught me a lot. Itā€™s taught me to trust Allahā€™s plans.

When I was just eight weeks pregnant, I was constantly Googling stories to see whether mothers felt they could have a career and be a good mum. I wanted reassurance that my life wouldnā€™t change, or at least wouldnā€™t change for the worst.

If youā€™re on a journey similar to mine and looking for some comfort about the future. I hope you land on this personal story because itā€™s going to be ok, and youā€™ll see that in time.

