
Before considering anything else we should first consider how our relationship with God is

Before considering anything else we should first consider how is our relationship with God is, and if we are pure and honest or if we are outwitting Him.

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Before considering anything else we should first consider how is our relationship with God is, and if we are pure and honest or if we are outwitting Him.

Life does gets harsh, and there are some points in life when we are done with everything and we want everything to stop to just breathe for a while, and to just inhale the fresh flowers and see the wonders in life. Those wonders can only be achieved if we put our complete faith and trust in Allah (swt), Who is the Creator of these wonders, and when He is by our side there’s no stopping in life.

If He provides shelter and food to the insect living in a rock, then why would one think he is all alone in this world when Allah (swt) is Al Raziq. God loves his creation to the extent which is not measurable, and in return the creation should love the Creator in the same way.

To the heartbroken one, your prayers can become a reality

Our life should revolve around God, and we make other our priorities, as in fact He should be the only priority in our life. We should first try to fix our relationship with God before we want to fix our relationships with other people or anything else in this world. Solely and only under this relationship with God are all other events formed.

Therefore God says:

In many cases you have problems with others, fix your relation with Me, and I will fix your relation with the world”

Before considering anything else we should first consider how is our relationship with God is, and if we are pure and honest or if we are outwitting Him. He understands us more than anyone, and He knows what sort of relation we are building with Him. Allah (swt) wants us to talk to Him, He is always ready to listen to us, He is there to wipe our tears away and change them in to a smile, but we are not ready for a conversation with God.

We pick other ordinary people like ourselves to guide us, but the fact is that they are as astray as we are in this world. Instead of seeking help from others, we should seek it from our Creator, the One who is aware of our every single action, He Who knows and sees everything we do but still welcomes us with all His love. He waits for us to talk to Him, and to tell Him about our problems and situations. We should talk to our Lord candidly and make Him our most important priority, because everything destined in our life is under His control.

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Whispered prayers and understanding the essence of forgiveness

We are so often lost in this world that we start to forget the One who created this world, and we are so caught up in our lives that we don’t even have time to pray to our Lord. Love for this materialistic world only leads us to destruction, emptiness, anxiety, depression, and pain. We feel sad and curse ourselves all the time, and this emptiness we feel inside gets us addicted to sins. The only cure from these feeling is if we pray to our God sincerely. Only then can we get relief from these pains.

So what does prayer do?

It eliminates our greed for this world and makes us want God instead.

If we pray five times a day on time, it will make us want our God more than anything in this entire world. When we are so lost in our worldly matters, say when we have deadlines to meet, or we have homework to do, or when we are starving and are about to eat, we almost forget what to do when we hear the Adhan being called out. We should stop everything we are doing or about to do just for the sake and love of Allah (swt), and in return He the most Beneficial and Merciful will cure us from every pain we endure and fill it with love, kindness, and generosity.

We are so dear to God that He gives us so many chances to purify ourselves before hereafter, He never pushes His creation away and instead He always gives us another chance so we can improve ourselves, become a better version of our self, and for our guidance He bestowed His holy book the Quran on His beloved Prophet Muhammad (saww) and along with that His household who are the complete code of life. If we follow these things, we will never go astray nor will we ever be involved in sins inshallah.


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