
Former Manchester City player quits football to focus on religion

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24-year-old Jeremy (Mukhtar) Hélan has stunned his football club, Sheffield Wednesday, by announcing that he wants to retire from the game to concentrate on Islam.

The defender and midfielder, a product of Manchester City’s youth system and a former France Under 19 international, felt as though he had lost passion for the game and instead wanted to spend some time learning more about his religion.

Jeremy HelanIt is said that this decision came about after spending increasing amounts of time at Sheffield Mosque after his signing, and he feels the need to follow up this decision with a visit to Saudi Arabia.

A source from Sheffield Wednesday has said that his decision has become the “talk of the dressing room. Jeremy told them what he wanted to do last week. He said that he wanted to quit for Saudi to concentrate more on religion after becoming more involved at a mosque in Sheffield.”

“The club are a bit taken aback by it. They are working with him to come to some kind of agreement,” especially since his contract was due to run till the end of the 2016/17 season. Sheffield Wednesday are yet to comment on his, and their own, decision.

Here are a few of our favourite responses to the news from Twitter:


(Sources 1, 2 and 3)

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