
Road to Karbala (video)

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Rap about the walk from Najaf to Karbala to mark Arbaeen. Arbaeen marks 40 days after the Day of Ashura, when Imam Hussain (the grandson of Prophet Muhammad) and his companions were killed in the Battle of Karbala.

The walk from Najaf to Karbala is attended by millions, with estimates of up to 27 million people making the pilgrims visiting the city of Karbala – where Imam Hussain and his companions are buried.

The walk from Najaf to Karbala is a demonstration of loyalty and respect to Imam Hussain and his cause, as well as a symbolic representation of the footsteps of Sayeda Zainab.

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Sayeda Zainab was the sister of Imam Hussain and was taken captive – along with the other women and children – after the Battle of Karbala by the army of Yazid. Eventually they were freed, and it is said that they returned to Karbala on the Day of Arbaeen.

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Find out more about the Day of Arbaeen here.

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