
Tafsir.io – the one stop shop for Quran tafsir

Tafsir.io is a humble and sharply focused attempt to gather and sort explanations by different scholars in different language, all in one place. The motivation was to facilitate the process of bringing people back to Qur’an in a contemporary fashion while using the best of our abilities.

“O you who believe! If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you and make your foothold firm.” tafsir.io/47/7

Time and again, we are reminded by the knowledgeable amongst us about this promise of Allah. A proper understanding of this ayah has the potential to change our entire outlook on the big boulders that we want to overcome in our lives. It shifts the focus of our strenuous efforts from dunya-fronts to deen-fronts. After all, what’s better than the mystical thrill of knowing that your deeds are contributing to the cause of Allah – the cause that is here to stay.

Disseminating the true spirit of Islam primarily via the Qur’an is of utmost importance and a manifestation of the cause mentioned above. The miraculous nature of the Qur’an is meant to be a morale booster for Muslims – the Qur’an challenges its readers to constantly question its credibility until they are fully convinced about its divinity. Sadly, a lot of us Muslims have taken this for granted and never truly understood the in-depth basis of such a claim by Allah. This weak foundation of our core beliefs has the potential to inevitably result in a shattering demise of the sincerity in our faith. 

So how do we (re)connect with the Quran? The beauty of this book is its ability to mesmerize the audience at every level of detail. From the sweetness of its recitation to the spiritual depth of its punctuations, there’s a vast spectrum of awe-inspiring moments that gradually transforms a person, inside out. It’s a book for everyone to pick up and connect with at any level and stage in their lives, no one but Allah owns it. On top of that, the more one learns from it, the stronger is the realization of how much more insights are yet to be extracted – it’s a timeless book.

Whatever level a person is at – be it the habitual daily recitation, memorization, tafsir study circles, or mere tadabbur on key verses – the inquisitiveness for scholarly exegesis on the different verses is always present.

Tafsir.io is a humble and sharply focused attempt to gather and sort explanations by different scholars in different language, all in one place. The motivation was to facilitate the process of bringing people back to Qur’an in a contemporary fashion while using the best of our abilities.

Indexed Explanations

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The explanations are indexed by verses. To learn more about verse 2 of Surah Fatihah, for example, you can directly goto http://tafsir.io/1/2. On this page, you would find whatever explanations have been added for that verse by different scholars in different languages.

Scholars & Surahs

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How about all verse explanations by a particular scholar, for example, Ustadh Asim Khan? Here is a page dedicated for him: http://tafsir.io/scholars/ustadh-asim-khan. The list of scholars is growing as our team of contributors is getting bigger, here it is: http://tafsir.io/scholars. On the other hand, every surah has it own page through which you can get to its individual verses. Here’s the link to surah Kahf: http://tafsir.io/18

Alhumdolillah, the growth and impact has been phenomenal so far and directly speaks for the ever-increasing interest in the speech of Allah, as promised by Him. We have people who frequently visit our website from almost every single corner of the world.

 An analogy of the Qur’an and its reader is like an imaging satellite that’s orbiting around our planet. The planet is the same – but the beautiful details of an image taken directly depend on zoom level. Similarly, this miraculous book of Allah and the lessons in it are highly granular, the deeper you explore, the better it gets.

“Indeed, We have sent down for you (O mankind) a Book (the Quran) in which there is your mention. Will you not then understand?” tafsir.io/21/10

It’s all in the Book, we urge you to open it.

Praise is for Allah, the Lord of Majesty and Bounty.

Website: http://www.tafsir.io

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FAQs: http://www.tafsir.io/faqs

Contact: hello@tafsir.io

