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14 responses from Muslim leaders on Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as capital of Israel

What is your reaction towards Trump’s decision?

What is your reaction towards Trump’s decision?

Disclaimer: this article is intended to be a resource for statements by leaders in the Muslim world regarding Trump’s decision, not a vote of support for the leadership of all those mentioned.

The world has had many mixed reactions to President Donald Trump’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, thus recognising it as the capital of Israel. The Arab and Islamic world, in particular, have found this news highly disturbing as such a move effectively disregarding the rights of Palestinian Arabs and the Muslim claim over the holy city. The IUMS (International Union of Muslim Scholars) has described the U.S. decision as “a provocative move that could push the region to the brink of hell.” The move, the union added, “will push the Palestinian, Arab and Muslim people to defend their holy city by any means necessary.”

But how have Muslim scholars and political leaders reacted to this news?

President Recip Tayyip Erdogan: Turkey

“Taking this type of step puts the world, especially the region, in a ring of fire. Hey Trump, what do you want to do? What kind of approach is this? Political leaders do not stir things up, they seek to make peace. Mr. Trump! Jerusalem is a red line for Muslims.”

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas: Palestine

“These reprehensible and rejected measures constitute a deliberate undermining of all peace efforts.  He represents a declaration that the United States has withdrawn from playing the role it has played in the past decades in sponsoring the peace process. Trump’s administration is violating international resolutions and bilateral agreements and this decision is a reward to Israel for denying agreements and defying international legitimacy that encourages it to continue the policy of occupation, settlement, apartheid and ethnic cleansing.”

Grand Ayatollah Sayed Ali Al-Sistani: Iraq

“This decision is condemned and decried, it hurt the feelings of hundreds of millions of Arabs and Muslims, but it won’t change the reality that Jerusalem is an occupied land which should return to the sovereignty of its Palestinian owners no matter how long it takes.”

Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb of Al-Azhar: Egypt

“We warn of the U.S. decision’s serious repercussions on the identity of the holy city. Recognizing occupied Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist entity — and the transfer of embassies to the city — constitutes a flagrant denial of Palestinian and Arab rights.”

Prime Minister Haider Alabadi: Iraq

“We caution against the dangerous repercussions of this decision on the stability of the region and the world.  The US administration has to backtrack on this decision to stop any dangerous escalation that would fuel extremism and create conditions favorable to terrorism.”

Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: Iran

“It is out of despair a debility that they want to declare Al Quds as the capital of the Zionist regime. On the issue of Palestine, their hands are tied and they can’t achieve their goals. Victory belongs to Islamic Ummah. Palestine will be free, the Palestinianian nation will achieve victory.”

President Joko Widodo: Indonesia

“Indonesia strongly condemns the United States’ one-sided recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and asks the US to reconsider this decision.”

President Hassan Rouhani: Iran

“Today, the enemies have launched a new conspiracy against the Muslims and have targeted the great goal of the liberation of the Holy Quds. Al-Quds belongs to Muslims and Palestinians, and it is not a place in which anyone can stand against the thoughts and feelings of the people. This is a new adventure of the Global Arrogance in the region.”

King Abdullah II: Jordan

In a statement from the Royal Palaces of the Hashemite Royal Family: King Abdullah emphasised that the decision will have serious implications on regional security and stability, and it will undermine efforts to resume the peace process. His Majesty called for supporting the Palestinians in their efforts to establish an independent Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital. King Abdullah called for intensifying Arab, Muslim, and international efforts to safeguard the rights of Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims in Jerusalem, which is the key to regional peace and stability.His Majesty also called for building on the international rejection of the US decision to prevent any further unilateral steps by other countries.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi: Egypt

“Egypt condemns the U.S.’ decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to move its ambassador to Jerusalem. Such unilateral steps contrary to international agreements will not change the legal status of Jerusalem as it is under occupation. Egypt is extremely concerned about the possible impact of [Trump’s] decision on the stability of the region. The decision by the US will have a highly negative impact on the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, given that the status of Jerusalem is an issue to be addressed in the final stages of the peace process, with its fate to be determined by the concerned parties.”

Sayed Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah: Lebanon

“The most important response would be a Palestinian uprising and an Islamic summit that would declare Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Palestine. We support the call for a new Palestinian [uprising] and escalating the resistance, which is the biggest, most important and gravest response to the American decision.”

The Saudi Royal Court: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

“The Kingdom expresses its denunciation and deep regret that the administration has taken this step, as it represents a great bias against the historic and permanent rights of the Palestinian people in Jerusalem, which have been affirmed by the relevant international resolutions and have been recognized and supported by the international community.”

Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammad bin Abdurrahman Al-Thani: Qatar

The decision is a death sentence for peace; this incident, which means a serious tension raise in the Palestinian cause, concerns not only the Palestinian people but all Arabs and Muslims.”

Prime Minister Saad Hariri: Lebanon

“Lebanon deplores and rejects the decision, and it is in solidarity with the Palestinian people. [Lebanon announces] their [Palestinian’s] right to the creation of an independent state whose capital is Jerusalem.”



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