
Muslim Couple Brings Diversity with Lifestyle TV Show (Video)

Lifestyles with Rufus & Jenny is an on demand TV show that is now in its second season.

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Lifestyles with Rufus & Jenny is an on demand TV show that is now in its second season.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries?list=PLtkLR7GkyrQBQRs-2XK6ZZsZv1do4l1fY]

Lifestyles with Rufus & Jenny is an on demand TV show that is now in its second season. The first season aired on AibTV Network in Atlanta. The show covers everything lifestyle from travel to relationships, all from a Muslim perspective.

The first season consists of six shows that spotlight domestic travel to cities such as Miami and San Francisco. It shows what else can be done and explored as Muslims when travelling, besides just going to Masjids and museums. American Muslims enjoy themselves by visiting, but not limited to, flea markets, entertainment venues, speciality food places and much more! Disney World, for example, is a melting pot of Muslims. The surrounding Orlando and Kissimmee areas are a haven for Muslims in business that caters to the massive year-round tourism. Episode Two spotlights Orlando and a few of the places that may be enjoyed.

One of the most talked about segments of the show has been the Inside/Outside View, showing how questions from non-Muslims can be answered with tact and humour. When giving dawah, it is always good to be mindful of who’s asking the question and that you may be the one and only Muslim that they ever get to ask anything.

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Other segments include Surviving Marriage Tips, Healthy Eating, and Fitness. You can binge all six episodes on YouTube.

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