
Updates on the Muslim Children Identity study – 2 days to go!

Only two days to go!

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Only two days to go!

We previously shared information on the The Muslim Doll Study, which aimed to asses how children are affected by Islamophobia. You can read more about it here. The study drive to raise money for this research is coming to the last few days and the team need your help to make this a possibility.

Since launching, they have had over 400 supporters from logo8 countries contributing to the effort. they are now 90% of the way to our goal. They are now  in the final two days of the campaign and thankfully, they have a donor that is providing a dollar-for-dollar match of all funds donated today (up to $2,500).

The team believes that this effort will help build a brighter future for young Muslims in America. But they need YOUR help. 

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 For more information or to donate to their cause, please check out their LaunchGood or Facebook page.

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