
What European Muslims Can Do To Help Support Palestine

As European Muslims, we have a duty to stay informed and aware of the plight of Palestinians – and we must continue to lobby our governments not to blindly allow Israel’s continued abuses.

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As European Muslims, we have a duty to stay informed and aware of the plight of Palestinians – and we must continue to lobby our governments not to blindly allow Israel’s continued abuses.

Nakba is a Palestinian term meaning ‘the catastrophe’, after the declaration of the illegal state of Israel in Palestine on May 15, 1948.

The Nakba has been continuing since that fateful day with millions of innocent Palestinians being violently displaced by Zionists. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, five million Palestinian citizens live in the occupied West Bank and blockaded Gaza Strip. 

In a show of solidarity and support, here are some of the ways European Muslims can help Palestinians.


Since 2005, the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS), a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice, and equality, has actively urged Israel to comply with international laws. There are different ways to boycott: economically and academically.

We must stay aware of what companies are involved with Israel, supporting its illegal activities in Palestine. For example, Hewlett-Packard is involved in biometric technology at Israeli checkpoints and identification cards. McDonald’s is in partnership with the Jewish United Fund, which promotes visits to Kiryat Gat, built on top of a destroyed Palestinian village. Other brands to avoid are Pampers, Victoria’s Secret, Volvo, Intel, Tribe and Sabra hummus, Motorola, Puma, and Sodastream.

For more information, you can join a BDS campaign here.

Boycotting does not end with companies: Israeli universities have also justified Israeli occupation and apartheid.

Tel Aviv University developed weapon systems used by the Israeli military to commit war crimes against Palestinians. In 2011, The University of Johannesburg decided to end its academic relationship with Ben Gurion University over its complicity in the theft of Palestinian water. 

Thousands of academics have signed statements in support of the institutional academic boycott of Israel. There are still, however, more than 100 British universities that have invested £454 million in Israeli companies. If your university has not already done so, you could encourage them to also sign a statement.

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Contact Your Local Government

Most local governments are obliged under freedom of information laws to disclose what companies they buy services from. ​In the UK, you can also contact your local MPs to organise an informative event with local media to help raise awareness at a grassroots level. 

You can also join Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) in calling the UK government to support the health and dignity of Palestinians. Here is a really useful and quick link here.


You can also join your local Palestine Solidarity Campaign to take part in peaceful organised protests.

In France, la Campagne Internationale pour la Protection du Peuple Palestinien can be contacted at palestine@noos.fr.

In Italy, the Associazone per la pace can be contacted at assopace@tiscalinet.it.

In Spain, the Associacion Al-Quds de Solidaridad con los Pueblos del Mundo Arab can also be contacted at al-quds.malaga@nodo50.org or info@alqudsmalaga.org and the Comite de Solidaridad con la Causa Arabe can be contacted at csca@nodo50.org.

In Ireland, the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign can be contacted at supportpalestine@ireland.com.

As European Muslims, we have a duty to stay informed and aware of the plight of Palestinians – and we must continue to lobby our governments not to blindly allow Israel’s continued abuses.

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