Middle EastNews

Israel attacks Palestinian worshippers in Al-Aqsa mosque on Eid day

While Jewish and Muslim worshippers have long prayed and worshipped side by side, Israel’s encouragement of fundamentalist Zionism has increased the often bloody clashes that happen within and around the complex of Al-Aqsa.

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While Jewish and Muslim worshippers have long prayed and worshipped side by side, Israel’s encouragement of fundamentalist Zionism has increased the often bloody clashes that happen within and around the complex of Al-Aqsa.

At least 61 Palestinian worshippers were injured on Sunday according to the Red Crescent when Israeli forces stormed Al-Aqsa mosque on Eid day this Sunday. Reportedly 14 worshippers were transferred to a hospital to treat more serious injuries.

Israeli forces were reported to have used tear gas, rubber bullets, and truncheons on the Palestinians inside the compound of Al-Aqsa mosque, where an earlier clash had begun when at least 450 Israeli settlers were attempting to storm the mosque during Eid prayers.

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. . At least 60 Palestinian worshippers were injured after being assaulted by Israeli occupation forces that stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque compound to evacuate it in order to secure Zionist colonizers while they are breaking into Al Aqsa. . قرابة ال 60 اصابة في اعتداء قوات الاحتلال على المصلين بالمسجد الاقصى المبارك اليوم. . 🇩🇪 #DE : So mussten die PalästinenserInnen das heurige Opferfest feiern. Während des Festgebets stürmten die Streitkräfte der israelischen Besatzung die Al-Aqsa Moschee, belästigten und beschossen die Betenden, wodurch mindestens 60 verletzt wurden. . 🇷🇺 #RU : Мечеть Аль Акса сегодня. Как минимум шесть десятков палестинцев пострадали во время атаки мечети Аль Акса сегодня. Атака была выполнена израильскими оккупационными войсками, чтобы обеспечить безопасность сионистских колонизаторов, которым было необходимо ворваться в Аль Аксу. . 🇮🇩 #ID : Sekitar 60 jemaah Palestina terluka setelah diserang oleh pasukan penjajah Israel yang menyerbu kompleks masjid Al Aqsa untuk mengamankan penjajah Zionis yang hendak membobol Al Aqsa. . . 🇹🇷 #TR : İsrail işgal kuvvetleri tarafından saldırıya uğrayan en az 60 Filistinli ibadethane yaralandı. İsrail işgal kuvvetleri, Siyonist sömürgecilerin Mescid-i Aksa'ya girmesini sağlamak için Mescid-i Aksa'yı boşaltmak için Mescid-i Aksa'ya baskın düzenledi.

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Known commonly as the Temple Mount groups, these extremist Zionist groups regularly call for a return of the Temple Mount, the ancient Jewish holy site, to replace the Muslim holy Al-Aqsa mosque which now stands in its place. The Temple Mount group have been calling for raids on the mosque during Eid prayers this past week, heightening tensions in an already unstable environment.

The Al-Aqsa mosque, known as the third holiest site in Islam, is the place where Muslims believed the Prophet Mohammed ascended to heaven as described in the holy Quran. As the site where the ancient temples of Judaism stood more than 2,000 years ago as well, the area has long been the focal point for high tensions between Zionists and Palestinian worshippers in recent years.

While Jewish and Muslim worshippers have long prayed and worshipped side by side, Israel’s encouragement of fundamentalist Zionism has increased the often bloody clashes that happen within and around the complex today, as seen in Sunday’s clash within the walls of the Al-Aqsa mosque.

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