
8 apps to make you a highly productive Muslim

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So this year, my New Year’s resolution is to be productive, not only that but a productive muslimah. One of the first ways I decided to do this is by looking at the one thing which takes up a lot of my time. And by that you know I mean my phone. We all need to have a social life and being in contact with family and friends is so easy now that it can be a problem at times, especially with the blue ticks WhatsApp decided to torture us with ever so kindly!
So as I move onto the real topic of my article, let’s take a look at those applications which are taking space in our phones and how they can be used for ones productivity. Some say the apps in your phone define you as they’re a collection of your interests and tastes.
The first app I deleted months ago, and this was a few months after I downloaded it, was Candy Crush! And yes, I loved playing it! But sadly, I would be up in the night, sitting around in the day or even when I needed to do something else, playing this pointless game. Because it does that to you. So, gladly, no it is not on my phone anymore.
‪Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘O people! [take advantage of] Now! Now before regret sets in, and before “anyone should say, ‘Alas for my negligence in the vicinage of Allah!” [Qur’an 39:56]. [Tanbih al-Khawatir, v. 2, p. 89]
Just like Candy Crush was for me, I’m sure there are many other apps which may be addictive for you such as Two Dots, Draw Something or Clash of Clans. Sometimes I find myself thinking what if I download Candy Crush again? What harm will it do? Just the way I find myself wanting to bake a batch of brownies until I remember how much sugar I’ll have to put!
So now moving onto to the apps that I do have and love.

1. Setting your daily goals

In no particular order, I’d like to begin with Daily Goals (click to download on App Store). It’s a must have for those of you, like me, who need to make lists. I love making lists and ticking off everything that’s done! It includes not only daily habits but also tasks I want to do maybe once or twice a week. Check out this app especially those of you who make lists everyday, it’ll make life easier by being ready according to your weekly schedule. Like going to the gym thrice a week is on mine or going for jama’at namaz (congregational prayers) as often as I can.
‪Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘How fast the hours in a day go by, and how fast the days in a month, and how fast the months in a year, and how fast the years in a lifetime!’ 
[Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 188]

2. Your day/week/month planner

Similar to Daily Goals, for those of you who don’t make lists and prefer a visual weekly timetable, I would highly recommend Timetable. This app allows you to have a months schedule on hand and put your daily tasks as well as the exact time you want to do them. Yes I have this because I prefer the visual timetable AND lists. Another app similar to this one is TimeHive, incase Timetable is too colourful and for you.

3. Managing your finances

Another important part of our lives is management of our finances. One of my favourite apps is a personal finance app. For someone who never kept track of their finances, I am glued to Clara. This is the perfect app for me to keep track of my incomings and outgoings. I just have to remember to make a note of what I spend, which is the hard part. (The Daily Goals reminder helps!)

4. Your travel companion

As you already know I enjoy making lists and the next app makes travelling super easy for me as the app automatically makes lists and I don’t even need to think about it! It’s the iPacking app. Going away for the weekend or a long trip and unsure of what to take? This app has almost every single item you may need and those it doesn’t you can add in yourself. After you’ve chosen the items you’ll need, all you do is tick them off and you’re packed!

5. Keeping up with current affairs

We all know how important it is to know what’s going on in the world and here’s how I find out. Press TV. My news app (other news apps are available!). The latest news from all over the world. Not only can I read the news but I can also watch videos. This makes it much easier for me and I end up saving time and you can read the news wherever you are!
‪The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘I urge you to recite the Qur’an and remember Allah frequently, for verily it [will result in] a remembrance for you in the heavens and a light for you in the earth.’ [al-Khisal, p. 525, no. 13]

6. A Quran app

I’m sure there are plenty of Quran apps, but I haven’t found any that I prefer more than iQuran. It consists of  the tajweed rules and let’s you listen to the surahs with 8 different reciters to choose from. It doesn’t stop there. You have the option to translate the Quran in over 30 languages! A super productive app for those wanting to memorise the holy Quran and you can play any verse on repeat multiple times!
‪Imam al-Baqir (AS) said, ‘A believer must supplicate Allah in times of ease the same way that he supplicates Allah in times of difficulty.’ [al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 488, no. 1]

7. Duas/Supplications

This next app is another one which I highly recommend. iSupplicate. With more than 120 audios and texts, as well as 30+ videos and the option to download files to use when you’re not connected to the internet, this app with its ease of access is great for productivity as it also plays in the background, giving you the option to multitask.
‪The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘Everything has a face, and the face of your religion is the prayer.’ [Da`aim al-Islam, v. 1, p. 133]

8. Ahadith (with sources!)

The last app I am thankful for is Hadith Browser. With over 100 topics to choose from, accessing authentic ahadith with the sources couldn’t be easier! The ahadith mentioned in this article are from this very app.
‪Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, ‘Remember Allah frequently as much as you can every hour of the day and night, for verily Allah has commanded [us] to remember Him abundantly.’ [al-Kafi, v. 8, p. 7, no. 1]
Our phones and the apps in our phones can be a force of destruction and waste or they can be constructive and beneficial, just like anything in this world. We need to get the best out of what we have and how to truly make use of the time we have been granted in this temporary lifetime.
Look out for part two of this article and let us know what your favourite apps are as well as which apps to avoid in the comments below!

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