
10 Recommended Acts and Supplications for Hajj

For those blessed enough to be able to make Hajj this year, or for those who want to prepare for the future, here are some of the most important things to remember before and during Hajj!

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For those blessed enough to be able to make Hajj this year, or for those who want to prepare for the future, here are some of the most important things to remember before and during Hajj!

Hajj is easily one of the most spiritual, rewarding, and fulfilling acts a Muslim can do – but that doesn’t mean it comes without its trials and struggles.

There can be a lot to remember and do in both preparing for and doing the physical act of pilgrimage, so to help you out here are some of the most important acts and supplications for Hajj:

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1. Preparing the body physically

Before entering into a state of ihram, one should clean the body, cut one’s nails, remove hair from under the armpits and below the navel, and for men trim the mustache.

2. Keeping the hair on the head

Those who intend to perform Hajj should keep the hair on the head and beard loose from the first of Thil Qa’dah, and those intending to perform an Umrat-ul-Mufradah for one month before the trip.

3. Performing ghusl

One must perform ghusl at the meqat, but if there is fear that water will not be available there, it may be performed before leaving for meqat. If water is found there, the ghusl be repeated.

4. Keeping ghusl

If after the ghusl, one uses the toilet, eats, or wears clothes forbidden in a state of ihram, it is recommended that the ghusl be repeated. A ghusl performed during the day will last to the end of the night which follows, and the ghusl made in the night will last to the end of the following day.

5. Supplication for ghusl

While performing ghusl, one can say:

“I commence by the name of Allah and seek help from Him. O Allah render this ghusl an illumination for me and that it may purify me, protect me from all fears and be a cure for all ills. O Allah! purify me and my heart, broaden my chest and that my tongue may utter words of love, adoration and praise for You as there is no strength for me but You and I know that my religion is submission to You and following the practices of Your prophet, may Your peace be on him.”

6. Supplication when in ihram

Once in the state of ihram, one can say:

“All praise to Allah who has graced me with clothes to cover my body, perform my duties, worship my Sustainer and reach where He has commanded me. All praise be to Allah who, when I directed my course towards Him, reached me; when I directed my intentions towards Him, assisted me, drew me closer and did not shatter me; when I sought His pleasure, granted me peace. He is my fort, refuge, protector, support, hope, salvation, savior, and my provider in times of hardship and comfort.”

7. Wearing ihram

The cloth for ihram should be made of cotton. The ihram should also be worn after dhuhr prayer. If this is not possible, it is worn after any daily prayer or after the recitation of two raka’as. It is preferable that in the first raka’a, after the recitation of the Chapter of Al-Hamd, the Chapter of Tawheed be said and in the second raka’a, after the Chapter of Al-Hamd, the Chapter of Kafiroon be said.

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8. Supplication once ready to perform Hajj and after being in ihram

One can say:

“O Allah! include me among those who have responded to Your call, have faith in Your promise and follow Your command, for I am Your slave in Your confinement. I cannot be saved, except by You, and cannot take, except what You grant. You have reminded us of Hajj. I beseech You that You make me firm on Your book and the practices of Your Prophet (s.a.w.). Grant me strength where I am weak and that I may perform what is incumbent on me with ease and health. Include me among those whose arrival pleases You, You are pleased with, You call by name and have recorded. O Allah! I have traveled from far and have spent my property to attain Your pleasure.

“O Allah! accomplish my Hajj and Umrah. O Allah! in compliance with Your book and the practice of Your Prophet (s.a.w.), I intend to perform the Umrat-ut-Tamatu’ for Hajj. If any impediment comes in my way, remove it by Your power. O Allah! if I do not achieve the Hajj, I may at least the Umrah. I forbid myself, for Your sake, my hair, body, flesh, blood, bones, brain, my union with my wife, clothes and perfume so that I may attain Your pleasure and the Hereafter.”

9. Making talbiyah, the prayer for intending to perform Hajj

Make the intention for ihram together with talbiyah. It is recommended that men say the talbiyah aloud. To say the talbiyah, state:

“I am present, O High, I am present. I am present, O one who calls towards Heaven. I am present, I am present O Forgiver of sins. I am present, I am present O One who owns my presence. I am present, I am present O Mighty and Generous. I am present, I am present O You who first created and to whom all will return. I am present, I am present O One who is free from want and to whom all turn for their needs.

“I am present, I am present O who is feared and to whom there is inclination. I am present I am present, O true God. I am present O the One with Grace, Excellence, Goodness and Beauty. I am present O one who averts major calamities. I am present, I am present Your servant and the son of Your servant. I am present, I am present O Generous, I am present.

“I am present seeking closeness to You through Muhammad and his progeny. I am present, I am present for Hajj or Umrah, I am present, I am present. And this is the Umrah connecting to the Hajj. I am present, I am present; my presence is certain and so is my communication to You.”

10. When to say the talbiyah

The talbiyah should constantly be repeated in a state of ihram, when waking from sleep, after every prayer, when embarking on a vehicle, riding, disembarking or dismounting, while climbing or descending, when meeting other riders or in the desert; and even in the condition of janabah or menstruation. It must not be stopped in the Umrat-ut-Tamatu’ until the houses of Makkah appear and in Hajj-ut-Tamatu’ till the zawaal of the day of Arafat.

More information and further details can be found on Al-Islam.org

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