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Saudi Arabia and other Arab Gulf States to help fund Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan

Reports have shown that this deal, including all economic aspects, could cost up to $50 billion. Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States have now reportedly openly pledged to help pay for these costs, as a show of support for Trump’s new deal.

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Reports have shown that this deal, including all economic aspects, could cost up to $50 billion. Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States have now reportedly openly pledged to help pay for these costs, as a show of support for Trump’s new deal.

According to new reports, Saudi Arabia along with other Arab Gulf states have pledged to help fund and support US President Trump’s new Middle East Peace Plan, which has been dubbed as the ‘deal of the century’.

Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan has essentially granted Israel full claims over its long-held demands, and although the plan alleges that Palestine would have a potential “state” with severe restrictions, this Peace Plan has little to almost no support for any Palestinian rights.

Summarized, the Middle East Peace Plan outlines numerous deeply troubling motives, which includes: establishing Jerusalem as Israel’s “undivided” captial, recognizing a majority of Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank as part of Israel (despite international law claiming these settlements are illegal), recognizing the Jordan Valley as officially part of Israel, organizing a “complete dismantling of Hamas”, possibly stripping Israeli citizenship from tens of thousands of Arab Israelis who currently live in the border towns between Israel and the West Bank, and refusing the “right of return” to Palestinian refugees who lost homes during previous conflicts with Israel.

Reports have shown that this deal, including all economic aspects, could cost up to $50 billion. Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States have now reportedly openly pledged to help pay for these costs, as a show of support for Trump’s new deal.

The Middle East Peace Plan has been rejected by both Palestinians on the ground as well as both Palestinian factions of Hamas and Fatah. Numerous politicians from around the world have also denounced this new deal, claiming that this deal benefits no one except for Trump’s re-election campaign and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s attempts at boosting his supporters amidst his ongoing corruption trial.

Protests have erupted across the West Bank, demonstrating against this new peace plan, however President Trump and Netanyahu continue to ignore the suffering of the Palestinians and instead openly operate with impunity when it comes to human rights abuses and flaunting international law.

Unsurprisingly, at the White House event where Trump revealed his plan, Netanyahu boasted: “[This is] a great plan for Israel, it’s a great plan for peace”, and turning to Trump, said, “you have been the greatest friend that Israel has ever had in the White House”. Netanyahu has also announced that he would take immediate steps to annex the Jordan valley as soon as next week.

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